Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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class in UnityEngine.Experimental.Director


Наследует от:Experimental.Director.AnimationPlayable

Реализует интерфейсы:IAnimatorControllerPlayable

Предложить изменения


Благодарим вас за то, что вы помогаете нам улучшить качество документации по Unity. Однако, мы не можем принять любой перевод. Мы проверяем каждый предложенный вами вариант перевода и принимаем его только если он соответствует оригиналу.


Ошибка внесения изменений

По определённым причинам предложенный вами перевод не может быть принят. Пожалуйста <a>попробуйте снова</a> через пару минут. И выражаем вам свою благодарность за то, что вы уделяете время, чтобы улучшить документацию по Unity.





Playable that plays a RuntimeAnimatorController. Can be used as an input to an AnimationPlayable.


animatorController RuntimeAnimatorController played by this playable.
layerCountSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.layerCount.
parameterCountSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.parameterCount.

Открытые функции

CrossFadeSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFade.
CrossFadeInFixedTimeSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFadeInFixedTime.
GetAnimatorTransitionInfoSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetAnimatorTransitionInfo.
GetBoolSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetBool.
GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo.
GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfoSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo.
GetFloatSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetFloat.
GetIntegerSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetInteger.
GetLayerIndexSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetLayerIndex.
GetLayerNameSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetLayerName.
GetLayerWeightSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetLayerWeight.
GetNextAnimatorClipInfoSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetNextAnimatorClipInfo.
GetNextAnimatorStateInfoSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo.
GetParameterSee AnimatorController.GetParameter.
HasStateSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.HasState.
IsInTransitionSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.IsInTransition.
IsParameterControlledByCurveSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.IsParameterControlledByCurve.
PlaySee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.Play.
PlayInFixedTimeSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.PlayInFixedTime.
ResetTriggerSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.ResetTrigger.
SetBoolSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.SetBool.
SetFloatSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.SetFloat.
SetIntegerSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.SetInteger.
SetLayerWeightSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.SetLayerWeight.
SetTriggerSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.SetTrigger.

Унаследованные члены


inputCountThe count of inputs on the Playable. This count includes slots that aren't connected to anything. This is equivalent to, but much faster than calling GetInputs().Length.
outputCountThe count of inputs on the Playable. This count includes slots that aren't connected to anything. This is equivalent to, but much faster than calling GetOutputs().Length.
stateCurrent PlayState of this playable. This indicates whether the Playable is currently playing or paused.
timeCurrent local time for this Playable.

Открытые функции

AddInputAdds an AnimationPlayable as an input.
RemoveAllInputsDisconnects all input playables.
RemoveInputRemoves a playable from the list of inputs.
SetInputSets an AnimationPlayable as an input.
SetInputsReplaces existing inputs with the supplied collection of AnimationPlayable.
ClearInputsSafely disconnects all connected inputs and resizes the input array to 0.
DisposeImplements IDisposable. Call this method to release the resources allocated by the Playable.
GetInputReturns the Playable connected at the specified index.
GetInputsReturns a lists of the input Playables.
GetInputWeightGet the weight of the Playable at a specified index.
GetOutputReturns the Playable connected at the specified output index.
GetOutputsGet the list of ouputs connected on this Playable.
ProcessFrameEvaluates the Playable with a delta time.
SetInputWeightSet the weight of an input.

Статические функции

ConnectConnects two Playables together.
DisconnectDisconnects an input from a Playable.


OnSetPlayStateCallback called when the PlayState has changed
OnSetTimeCallback called when the current time has changed
PrepareFramePrepares the Playable tree for the next frame. PrepareFrame is called before the tree is evaluated.