Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
  • C#
  • JS

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Gets called for each GameObject that had at least one userpropery attached to it in the imported file.

The second argument string array (propNames) contains all the names of the properties found. The System.Object array (values) contains all the actual values. These can be of type string, Vector4, bool, Color, float, int.

A typical use case for this feature is reading out "userdata" stored on objects in 3dmax/maya. Depending on what is written in the text userdata for an object, you could decide to postprocess your GameObject in different ways.

For a detailed description of the stage when the function is invoked see AssetPostprocessor. Please note that the GameObjects and Meshes only exist during the import and will be destroyed immediately afterwards. This function is called before the final prefab is created and before it is written to disk, thus you have full control over the generated game objects and components. Any references to game objects or meshes will become invalid after the import has been completed. Thus it is not possible to create a new prefab in a different file from OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties that references meshes in the imported fbx file. The sample JS example below adds a simple BoxCollider component if the userdata string contains "addboxcollider". The c# version is similar.

	class MyPostprocessor extends AssetPostprocessor {

function OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties ( go : GameObject, propNames : String[], values : System.Object[]){ for (var i : int = 0; i < propNames.Length; i++) { var propName : String = propNames[i]; var value : Object = values[i];

Debug.Log("Propname: " + propName + " value: " +values[i]);

if (value.GetType() == String) { var s : String = value; if (s.Contains("addboxcollider")) go.AddComponent.<BoxCollider>(); } if (value.GetType() == Vector4) { var v : Vector4 = value; // do something useful. } if (value.GetType() == Color) { var c : Color = value; // do something useful. } if (value.GetType() == int) { var myInt : int = value; // do something useful. } if (value.GetType() == float) { var myFloat : float = value; // do something useful. } } } }
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : AssetPostprocessor {

void OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties ( GameObject go, string[] propNames, System.Object[] values) { for (int i = 0; i < propNames.Length; i++) { string propName = propNames[i]; System.Object value = (System.Object)values[i];

Debug.Log("Propname: " + propName + " value: " +values[i]);

if (value.GetType().ToString() == "System.Int32") { int myInt = (int)value; // do something useful }

// etc... } } }