Version: 2017.3


class in UnityEngine.Playables

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Implements high-level utility methods to simplify use of the Playable API with Animations.

Static Functions

PlayPlays the Playable on the given Animator.
PlayAnimatorControllerCreates a PlayableGraph to be played on the given Animator. An AnimatorControllerPlayable is also created for the given RuntimeAnimatorController.
PlayClipCreates a PlayableGraph to be played on the given Animator. An AnimationClipPlayable is also created for the given AnimationClip.
PlayLayerMixerCreates a PlayableGraph to be played on the given Animator. An AnimationLayerMixerPlayable is also created.
PlayMixerCreates a PlayableGraph to be played on the given Animator. An AnimationMixerPlayable is also created.