Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
public static GameObject PickGameObject (Vector2 position, out int materialIndex);
public static GameObject PickGameObject (Vector2 position, GameObject[] ignore, out int materialIndex);
public static GameObject PickGameObject (Vector2 position, GameObject[] ignore, GameObject[] selection, out int materialIndex);
public static GameObject PickGameObject (Vector2 position, bool selectPrefabRoot);
public static GameObject PickGameObject (Vector2 position, bool selectPrefabRoot, GameObject[] ignore);
public static GameObject PickGameObject (Vector2 position, bool selectPrefabRoot, GameObject[] ignore, GameObject[] filter);
public static GameObject PickGameObject (Vector2 position, bool selectPrefabRoot, GameObject[] ignore, GameObject[] filter, out int materialIndex);


selectPrefabRoot Select Prefab.
materialIndex 指定されたポジションに最も近い Renderer コンポーネントのマテリアル配列にインデックスを返します。
position A position in GUI coordinates. The top-left of the window is (0,0), and the bottom-right is (Screen.width, Screen.height).
ignore An array of GameObjects that will not be considered when selecting the nearest GameObject.
filter An array of GameObjects to be exclusively considered for selection. If null, all GameObjects in open scenes are eligible for selection.
selection An array of GameObjects to be exclusively considered for selection. If null, all GameObjects in open scenes are eligible for selection.


GameObject The GameObject that is under the requested position.



HandleUtility.PickGameObject must not be called during a repaint. In most cases it is appropriate to call during EventType.MouseDown or EventType.MouseUp.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

static class ShowHovered { static GameObject m_LastHoveredObject, m_LastClickedObject;

[InitializeOnLoadMethod] static void Init() { SceneView.duringSceneGui += OnSceneGUI; }

static void OnSceneGUI(SceneView view) { var evt = Event.current;

// Register a control so that if no other handle is engaged, we can use the event. var pickingControlId = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); HandleUtility.AddDefaultControl(pickingControlId);

switch (evt.type) { case EventType.MouseMove: { var picked = HandleUtility.PickGameObject(evt.mousePosition, false);

if (picked != m_LastHoveredObject) { m_LastHoveredObject = picked; SceneView.RepaintAll(); }

break; }

case EventType.MouseDown: { // Make sure to check Tools.viewToolActive before consuming a mouse event, otherwise Scene navigation // controls will not work. if (!Tools.viewToolActive && HandleUtility.nearestControl == pickingControlId) { GUIUtility.hotControl = pickingControlId; evt.Use(); }

break; }

case EventType.MouseUp: { // If the hotControl is not pickingControlId, that means another control has the rights to this event. if (GUIUtility.hotControl != pickingControlId) return;

var picked = HandleUtility.PickGameObject(evt.mousePosition, false);

if (picked != m_LastClickedObject) { m_LastClickedObject = picked; SceneView.RepaintAll(); }

// Make sure to Use() and reset the hotControl the event if we are the active control ID. evt.Use(); GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; break; } }

Handles.BeginGUI(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); GUILayout.Label($"Last Hovered Object: {m_LastHoveredObject}"); GUILayout.Label($"Last Clicked Object: {m_LastClickedObject}"); GUILayout.EndVertical(); Handles.EndGUI(); } }

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