Version: 5.5
public static void DrawProceduralIndirect (MeshTopology topology, ComputeBuffer bufferWithArgs, int argsOffset= 0);


topology プロシージャルジオメトリのトポロジー
bufferWithArgs Draw Arguments のバッファ
argsOffset Draw argument があるバッファのバイトオフセット


GPU に完全なプロシージャルジオメトリを描画します。

DrawProceduralIndirect does a draw call on the GPU, without any vertex or index buffers. The amount of geometry to draw is read from a ComputeBuffer. Typical use case is generating arbitrary amount of data from a ComputeShader and then rendering that, without requiring a readback to the CPU.

This is only useful on DirectX 11 or OpenGL Core level hardware where shaders can read arbitrary data from ComputeBuffer buffers.

Buffer with arguments, bufferWithArgs, has to have four integer numbers at given argsOffset offset: vertex count per instance, instance count, start vertex location, start instance location. This very much maps to Direct3D11 DrawInstancedIndirect / OpenGL ES 3.1 glDrawArraysIndirect function (on OpenGL ES 3.1 the last argument is reserved and therefore not used).

この呼び出しは Graphics.DrawMeshNow のようにすぐに実行されることに注意してください。現在のレンダーターゲット設定と変換行列と現在のシェーダーパス設定を使用します。

CommandBuffers にも同様の機能があります。 CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect を参照してください。

See Also: Graphics.DrawProcedural, ComputeBuffer.CopyCount, SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders.