localPlayerAutority 設定があり、ローカルの権限でオブジェクトを生み出したか AssignLocalAuthority を設定した場合、 これには接続のためのプレーヤーオブジェクトが含まれます。このリストは読み取り専用です。
This includes the player object for the connection - if it has localPlayerAutority set, and any objects spawned with local authority or set with AssignLocalAuthority. This list is read only.
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class Handler { static public void HandleTransform(NetworkMessage netMsg) { NetworkInstanceId netId = netMsg.reader.ReadNetworkId(); GameObject foundObj = NetworkServer.FindLocalObject(netId); if (foundObj == null) { return; } NetworkTransform foundSync = foundObj.GetComponent<NetworkTransform>(); if (foundSync == null) { return; } if (!foundSync.localPlayerAuthority) { return; }
if (netMsg.conn.clientOwnedObjects.Contains(netId)) { // process message } else { // error } } }