Version: 2021.1


class in UnityEngine



用于 2D 物理的全局设置和 Helper 方法。


alwaysShowCollidersEnable to always show the Collider Gizmos even when they are not selected.
angularSleepToleranceA Rigidbody cannot sleep if its angular velocity is above this tolerance threshold.
autoSyncTransformsSet whether to automatically sync changes to the Transform component with the physics engine.
baumgarteTOIScale控制解析 TOI 重叠速度的缩放因子。
callbacksOnDisable用于控制 Collider2D 处于禁用状态时是否应调用相应的 OnCollisionExit2D 或 OnTriggerExit2D 回调。
colliderAABBColorSet the color used by the Gizmos to show all Collider axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs).
colliderAsleepColorThe color used by the Gizmos to show all asleep Colliders (Collider is asleep when the body is asleep).
colliderAwakeColorThe color used by the Gizmos to show all awake Colliders (Collider is awake when the body is awake).
colliderContactColorThe color used by the Gizmos to show all Collider contacts.
contactArrowScaleThe scale of the contact arrow used by the Collider Gizmos.
defaultContactOffsetThe default contact offset of the newly created Colliders.
defaultPhysicsSceneUnity 启动时自动创建的 PhysicsScene2D。
queriesStartInCollidersSet the raycasts or linecasts that start inside Colliders to detect or not detect those Colliders.
reuseCollisionCallbacks确定垃圾回收器是否应仅对所有冲突回调重用一个 Collision2D 类型的实例。
showColliderAABBShould the Collider Gizmos show the AABBs for each Collider?
showColliderContactsShould the Collider Gizmos show current contacts for each Collider?
showColliderSleepShould the Collider Gizmos show the sleep-state for each Collider?
simulationModeControls when Unity executes the 2D physics simulation.


BoxCastCasts a box against Colliders in the Scene, returning the first Collider to contact with it.
BoxCastAllCasts a box against Colliders in the Scene, returning all Colliders that contact with it.
BoxCastNonAllocCasts a box into the Scene, returning Colliders that contact with it into the provided results array. Note: This method will be deprecated in a future build and it is recommended to use BoxCast instead.
CapsuleCastCasts a capsule against Colliders in the Scene, returning the first Collider to contact with it.
CapsuleCastAllCasts a capsule against Colliders in the Scene, returning all Colliders that contact with it.
CapsuleCastNonAllocCasts a capsule into the Scene, returning Colliders that contact with it into the provided results array. Note: This method will be deprecated in a future build and it is recommended to use CapsuleCast instead.
CircleCastCasts a circle against Colliders in the Scene, returning the first Collider to contact with it.
CircleCastNonAllocCasts a circle into the Scene, returning Colliders that contact with it into the provided results array. Note: This method will be deprecated in a future build and it is recommended to use CircleCast instead.
ClosestPointReturns a point on the perimeter of the Collider that is closest to the specified position.
DistanceCalculates the minimum distance between two Colliders.
GetContactsRetrieves all Colliders in contact with the Collider.
GetIgnoreCollision检查碰撞检测系统是否忽略 collider1 与 collider2 之间的所有碰撞/触发器。
GetRayIntersectionCast a 3D ray against the Colliders in the Scene returning the first Collider along the ray.
GetRayIntersectionAllCast a 3D ray against the Colliders in the Scene returning all the Colliders along the ray.
GetRayIntersectionNonAllocCast a 3D ray against the Colliders in the Scene returning the Colliders along the ray. Note: This method will be deprecated in a future build and it is recommended to use GetRayIntersection instead.
IgnoreCollision使碰撞检测系统忽略 collider1 与 collider2 之间的所有碰撞/触发器。
IsTouchingChecks whether the passed Colliders are in contact or not.
IsTouchingLayersChecks whether the Collider is touching any Colliders on the specified layerMask or not.
LinecastCasts a line segment against Colliders in the Scene.
LinecastAllCasts a line against Colliders in the Scene.
LinecastNonAllocCasts a line against Colliders in the Scene. Note: This method will be deprecated in a future build and it is recommended to use Linecast instead.
OverlapAreaAllGet a list of all Colliders that fall within a rectangular area.
OverlapAreaNonAllocGet a list of all Colliders that fall within a specified area. Note: This method will be deprecated in a future build and it is recommended to use OverlapArea instead.
OverlapBoxAllGet a list of all Colliders that fall within a box area.
OverlapBoxNonAllocGet a list of all Colliders that fall within a box area. Note: This method will be deprecated in a future build and it is recommended to use OverlapBox instead.
OverlapCapsuleAllGet a list of all Colliders that fall within a capsule area.
OverlapCapsuleNonAllocGet a list of all Colliders that fall within a capsule area. Note: This method will be deprecated in a future build and it is recommended to use OverlapCapsule instead.
OverlapCircleChecks if a Collider falls within a circular area.
OverlapCircleAllGet a list of all Colliders that fall within a circular area.
OverlapCircleNonAllocGet a list of all Colliders that fall within a circular area. Note: This method will be deprecated in a future build and it is recommended to use OverlapCircle instead.
OverlapColliderGets a list of all Colliders that overlap the given Collider.
OverlapPointChecks if a Collider overlaps a point in space.
OverlapPointAllGet a list of all Colliders that overlap a point in space.
OverlapPointNonAllocGet a list of all Colliders that overlap a point in space. Note: This method will be deprecated in a future build and it is recommended to use OverlapPoint instead.
RaycastAllCasts a ray against Colliders in the Scene, returning all Colliders that contact with it.
RaycastNonAllocCasts a ray into the Scene. Note: This method will be deprecated in a future build and it is recommended to use Raycast instead.

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