开发期间的 WMR 测试
HoloLens 锚点共享

HoloLens WorldAnchor persistence

Persistence is a system for saving World Anchor states across multiple runs of the same application. This can be thought of as a “save game” functionality for physical locations in the real world. An example of this is remembering where a game board is placed in the world when the application re-launches.

The WorldAnchorStore provides basic functionality for saving and loading World Anchors. Retrieve a WorldAnchorStore by calling WorldAnchorStore.GetAsync and providing it with a callback. Your callback saves the WorldAnchorStore returned so that it can be used for future operations.

To save an existing World Anchor, give it a name and call the Save function on the WorldAnchorStore. See an example below:

private void SaveAnchor()
    if (!this.savedAnchor) // only save this once
        this.savedAnchor = this.MyWorldAnchorStore.Save("MyAnchor", MyWorldAnchor);
        if (!this.savedAnchor)
            // Anchor failed to save to the store.
            // Handle errors here.

Loading is essentially a reflection of the above:

private void LoadAnchor()
    this.savedAnchor = this.Load("MyAnchor", MyWorldAnchor);
    if (!this.savedAnchor)
        // An anchor with that name wasn't saved to the store.  
        // Handle errors here.

To remove an anchor from the store, call the Delete method on the WorldAnchorStore. To remove all anchors from the store, call the Clear method.

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开发期间的 WMR 测试
HoloLens 锚点共享