Struct ClientServerTickRate
The ClientServerTickRate singleton is used to configure the client and server simulation time step,
server packet send rate and other related settings.
The singleton entity is automatically created for the clients in the Network
- Create the entity in a custom Unity.NetCode.ClientServerBootstrap after the worlds has been created.
- On a system, in either the OnCreate or OnUpdate.
- the maximum number of tick per frame
- the maximum number of tick per frame
- tick batching (<`MaxSimulationStepBatchSize`) and others.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.NetCode
Assembly: Unity.NetCode.dll
public struct ClientServerTickRate : IComponentData, IQueryTypeParameter
- Once the client is connected, changes to the ClientServerTickRate are not replicated. If you change the settings are runtime, the same change must be done on both client and server.
- The ClientServerTickRate should never be added to sub-scene with a baker. In case you want to setup the ClientServerTickRate based on some scene settings, we suggest to implement your own component and change the ClientServerTickRate inside a system in your game.
class MyCustomClientServerBootstrap : ClientServerBootstrap
override public void Initialize(string defaultWorld)
var customTickRate = new ClientServerTickRate();
//run at 30hz
customTickRate.simulationTickRate = 30;
foreach(var world in World.All)
//In this case we only create on the server, but we can do the same also for the client world
var tickRateEntity = world.EntityManager.CreateSingleton(new ClientServerTickRate
SimulationTickRate = 30;
The timeout for the connection handshake and approval procedure.
Note: This is one counter for both states. In other words: The client must complete both Handshake
and Approval before this timeout expires - it's not reset upon entering Approval.
As soon as the client is accepted on the server, the timer will start.
Timeout will occur if the server has not handshaked and approved the connection
within the given duration. The default is 5000ms.
[Tooltip("The timeout for the connection handshake and approval procedure. Both must succeed within the allotted time!\n\nDefaults to 0ms (which becomes 5s).")]
[Range(0, 120000)]
public uint HandshakeApprovalTimeoutMS
Field Value
Type | Description |
uint |
The overall timeout sequence when a client is connecting is:
1. The client goes through the transport-level connection timeout first (max connect attempt * connect timeout).
2. Then, once the UTP connection succeeds, netcode begins the handshake process, where protocol
version RPCs are automatically exchanged.
3. If the client protocol is valid, the server will move the client to either the connected state,
or to the approval state (if approval is enabled via Require
This timeout applies to both the Handshake and Approval elapsed durations. It's a single timer for both.
If the server cannot keep up with the simulation frequency with running MaxSimulationStepsPerFrame
ticks, it is possible to allow each tick to run with a longer delta time in order to keep the game
time updating correctly. This means that instead of running two ticks with delta time N each, the
system will run a single tick with delta time 2*N. It is a less expensive but more inaccurate way
of dealing with server performance spikes, it also requires the game logic to be able to handle it.
[Tooltip("Denotes how many individual ticks will be batched together (into a single tick) when recovering from a severe slowdown.\n\nDefault value is 0 (which becomes 4).\n\n<b>Warning: You lose accuracy when batching ticks, and gameplay code must account for it.</b>")]
[Range(0, 16)]
public int MaxSimulationStepBatchSize
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
If the server cannot keep up with the passing of realtime (i.e. the server is ticking at too low a rate to
match the Simulation
[Tooltip("Denotes how many fixed-step ticks can be performed on any given Unity frame, when 'catching up', when running too slowly.\n\nDefault value is 0 (which becomes 1).")]
[Range(0, 16)]
public int MaxSimulationStepsPerFrame
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
The network tick rate only applies to snapshots, the frequency commands and RPCs is not affected by this setting.
The rate at which the server creates (and sends) a snapshots to each client.
This can be lower than than the simulation frequency, which means the server only sends new snapshots to the clients
every N frames.
Defaults to the Simulation
[Tooltip("The rate at which the server creates (and sends) a snapshot to each client.\n\nIf zero (the default), this value will be set to the <b>SimulationTickRate</b>, but half (or one third) is often good enough.\n\nThe CPU work performed to build and send snapshots is often the most significant CPU cost in a multiplayer game. Thus, reducing this send-rate can lead to significant CPU savings, but at the expense of gameplay quality (especially when packets are lost to the network).")]
public int NetworkTickRate
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
The CPU work performed to build and send snapshots (via Ghost
Multiplier used to calculate the tick rate (i.e. frequency) for the Predicted
[Tooltip("Multiplier used to calculate the tick rate (i.e. frequency) for the PredictedFixedStepSimulationSystemGroup.\n\nThe default (and recommendation) is 0 (which becomes 1 i.e. one fixed step per tick), where higher values allow physics to tick more frequently (i.e. at smaller intervals).")]
[Range(0, 8)]
public int PredictedFixedStepSimulationTickRatio
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
The fixed simulation frequency on the server and prediction loop. The client can render at a higher or lower rate than this. Default: 60Hz.
[Tooltip("The fixed simulation frequency of the Netcode gameplay simulation. Higher values incur higher CPU costs on both the client and server, especially during client prediction.")]
public int SimulationTickRate
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Note: Clients are not locked to this refresh rate (see Partial Ticks documentation). Higher values increase gameplay quality, but incur higher CPU and bandwidth costs. Higher values are particularly expensive on the client, as prediction cost increases.
Netcode needs to store a history of snapshot acknowledgements ("acks") on the server - one per connection. This denotes the size of said history buffer, in bits, and is exposed only to allow further patching of an esoteric issue (see remarks). Default value is 4096 bits (0.5KB), which should prevent this issue in the common case. Previous hardcoded default was 256 bits.
[Tooltip("Denotes how many entries the snapshot ack history BitArray stores. Default value: 4096 bits. Min: 1024 bits.\n\nSolves an emergent problem when replicating tens of thousands of relevant static ghosts to a single connection - a case we strongly advise against. See XML doc.")]
public uint SnapshotAckMaskCapacity
Field Value
Type | Description |
uint |
Due to Ghost
- Static ghosts never stop resending.
- Static and dynamic ghosts do not correctly find their 'baselines' (i.e. previously send and acked values), when attempting delta-compression.
Per connection, per chunk, netcode stores up to 32 previous snapshots (and thus baselines, and their
acks) in a circular/ring buffer (Ghost
The problem is: When you have tens of thousands of relevant ghosts for a single connection
(a case we strongly advise against), the priority queue will only "bubble up" a chunk to be resent
after many tens of seconds. You can very loosely approximate the lower bound of this via
E.g. 100k well optimized ghosts, sent at 30Hz (Simulation 60Hz), is (((100000/40)*1200)/1400)/30 = ~72s
to replicate them all once. I.e. ~4285 simulation ticks will have occurred since the client
was sent the previously sent snapshot.
Thus, when we check the ack buffer ~72 seconds later, the ack has long since been bit-shifted off the end of the 256 tick history buffer. The simplest solution (implemented here) is to store an ack buffer that is considerably larger. It is now 4096 entries by default (i.e. ~1.1 minutes at 60Hz), and 1024 entries at a minimum (~17s at 60Hz), whereas the previous default was 256 (i.e. ~4.26s at 60Hz). This field configures said capacity.
Because we are now able to find acks for snapshots sent over 4.26s ago, this fixed a regression in delta-compression performance (as, previously, the baseline was found, but treated as un-acked, thus unable to be used).
We also previously failed to mark this chunk as having 'no changes' (via isZeroChange
as a ghost having 'no change' relies on its current value being compared to any of its acked
baseline values. This means we previously could not early out via CanUseStaticOptimization
(which looks for zero change). As a result, we frequently saw resending of previously acked
static ghosts in these circumstances (at least until the server so happens to try to resend
the same chunk within Snapshot
Similarly, if you implemented configuration options like MinSnapshotAckMaskCapacity
is now far higher than we'd ever recommend setting MinSendImportance
If the server is capable of updating more often than the simulation tick rate, it can either
skip the simulation tick for some updates (BusyWait
), or limit the updates using
). Auto
makes it use Sleep
for dedicated server
builds and BusyWait
for client and server builds (as well as the editor).
[Tooltip("Denotes how the server should sleep, when determining when it should next tick.\n\nDefaults to <b>Auto</b>, which will use <b>Sleep</b> for dedicated server builds, and <b>BusyWait</b> for client and server builds (as well as the editor).")]
public ClientServerTickRate.FrameRateMode TargetFrameRateMode
Field Value
Type | Description |
Client |
On the client, Netcode attempts to align its own fixed step with the render refresh rate, with the goal of reducing Partial ticks, and increasing stability. This setting denotes the window (in %) to snap and align. Defaults to 5 (5%), which is applied each way: I.e. If you're within 5% of the last full tick, or if you're within 5% of the next full tick, we'll clamp. -1 is 'turn clamping off', 0 is 'use default'. Max value is 50 (i.e. 50% each way, leading to full clamping, as it's applied in both directions).
[Tooltip("On the client, Netcode attempts to align its own fixed step with the render refresh rate, with the goal of reducing Partial ticks, and increasing stability.\n\nThis setting denotes the window (in %) to snap and align.\n\nDefaults to 5 (5%), which is applied each way.\nI.e. If you're within 5% of the last full tick, or if you're within 5% of the next full tick, we'll clamp. 50 (50%) to always clamp.")]
public int ClampPartialTicksThreshold { readonly get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
High values will lead to more aggressive alignment, which may be perceivable (as we'll need to shift time further).
The fixed time used to run the physics simulation. Is always an integer multiple of the SimulationFixedTimeStep.
The value is equal to 1f / (Simulation
public float PredictedFixedStepSimulationTimeStep { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
float |
If the server has to run multiple simulation ticks in the same frame, the server can either send snapshots for all those ticks (true), or just the last one (false).
public bool SendSnapshotsForCatchUpTicks { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
1f / SimulationfixedDeltaTime
public float SimulationFixedTimeStep { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
float |
Returns the MaxSendRate as a Simulation
public byte CalculateNetworkSendIntervalOfGhostInTicks(ushort MaxSendRate)
Type | Name | Description |
ushort | MaxSendRate | From the GhostAuthoring. |
Type | Description |
byte | The interval i.e. every nth Simulation |
Helper: Returns 1 when NetworkTickRate is equal to (or close enough - via rounding - to) SimulationTickRate. Returns 2 when half, 3 when 1/3rd etc.
public int CalculateNetworkSendRateInterval()
Type | Description |
int | The snapshot send interval. |
Set all the properties that haven't been changed by the user (or that have invalid ranges) to a proper default value.
In particular, this guarantees that both Network
public void ResolveDefaults()