Struct GhostSendSystemData
Singleton entity that contains all the tweakable settings for the Ghost
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.NetCode
Assembly: Unity.NetCode.dll
public struct GhostSendSystemData : IComponentData, IQueryTypeParameter
The number of connections to cleanup unused serialization data for, in a single tick. Setting this higher can recover memory faster, but uses more CPU time.
[Tooltip("The number of connections to cleanup unused serialization data for, in a single tick. Setting this higher can recover memory faster, but uses more CPU time.\n\nDefaults to 1.")]
public int CleanupConnectionStatePerTick
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
If not 0, denotes the desired size of an individual snapshot (unless the per-connection Network
[Tooltip("- If zero (the default), <b>NetworkParameterConstants.MTU</b> is used (minus headers).\n\n - Otherwise, denotes the desired size of an individual snapshot (unless the per-connection <b>NetworkStreamSnapshotTargetSize</b> component is present).")]
public int DefaultSnapshotPacketSize
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Denotes the maximum number of chunks the Ghost
[Tooltip("Denotes the maximum number of chunks the <b>GhostSendSystem</b> will iterate over in a single tick, for a given connection, within a single <b>NetworkTickRate</b> snapshot send interval.\n\nIt's an optimization in use-cases where you have many thousands of static ghosts (and thus hundreds of static chunks which are iterated over unneccessarily to find ones containing possible changes).\n\nDefaults to 0 (i.e. use <b>MinSendImportance</b>)\nRecommendation: ~10\n\n - A positive value will clamp the maximum number of chunks we iterate over (but cannot be less than <b>MaxSendChunks</b>, thus clamped automatically to it).\n - Use 0 to denote that <b>MaxIterateChunks</b> should use <b>MaxSendChunks</b>.\n\n - Use -1 to denote that you want to iterate until the packet is filled - or send rules (like <b>MaxSendChunks</b>) are encountered.")]
public int MaxIterateChunks
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
A positive value will clamp the maximum number of chunks we iterate over (but cannot be less than
1st Warning: If netcode cannot fill the packet within Max
2nd Warning: Max
The maximum number of chunks the Ghost
Warning: Max
[Tooltip("The maximum number of chunks the GhostSendSystem will add to the snapshot for any given connection, within a single NetworkTickRate snapshot send interval. Only incremented when at least one ghost is added to the snapshot for a chunk. Warning: <b>MaxSendChunks</b> may lead to unnecessarily empty snapshot packets, in cases where adding this many chunks to the snapshot does not completely fill it. See <b>MaxIterateChunks</b> for resolution.\n\nDefaults to 0 (OFF).")]
public int MaxSendChunks
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
The maximum number of entities the Ghost
[Tooltip("<b>Obsolete: No longer functional!</b>\n\nThe maximum number of entities the <b>GhostSendSystem</b> will add to the snapshot for any given connection, within a single <b>NetworkTickRate</b> snapshot send interval. Ignores irrelevant ghosts and cancelled sends (e.g. zero change static optimized chunks). This can be used to reduce / control CPU time on the server.\n\n<b>Warning</b>: <b>MaxSendChunks</b> may lead to unnecessarily empty snapshot packets, in cases where adding this many entities to the snapshot does not completely fill it. Prefer <b>MaxSendChunks</b> and <b>MaxIterateChunks</b>.\n\nDefaults to 0 (OFF).")]
[Obsolete("No longer functional! Prefer MaxSendChunks and MaxIterateChunks to tweak GhostSendSystem CPU characteristics. (RemovedAfter 1.x)", false)]
public int MaxSendEntities
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
An implementation detail to be aware of here is that we can currently only check this value
after a chunk has been written (partially or in full) to the snapshot. Therefore, in practice, a value of 1
is equivalent to MaxSendChunks = 1;
The minimum importance considered for inclusion in a snapshot after applying distance based priority scaling to the ghost chunk. Any ghost chunk with a downscaled importance value lower than this will not be added to the snapshot, even if there is enough space in the packet.
[Tooltip("The minimum importance considered for inclusion in a snapshot after applying distance based priority scaling to the ghost chunk. Any ghost chunk with a downscaled importance value lower than this will not be added to the snapshot, even if there is enough space in the packet.\n\nDefaults to 0 (OFF).")]
public int MinDistanceScaledSendImportance
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
The minimum importance considered for inclusion in a snapshot. Any ghost chunk with an importance value lower than this value will not be added to the snapshot, even if there is enough space in the packet.
[Tooltip("The minimum importance considered for inclusion in a snapshot. The Defaults to 0 (disabled).\n\nAny ghost chunk with an importance value lower than this value will not be added to the snapshot, even if there is enough space in the packet. Use to reduce send-rate for low-importance ghosts.\n\nDefaults to 0 (OFF).")]
public int MinSendImportance
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
As of 1.4, prefer MaxGhostAuthoringComponent
Counted on a per-connection, per-chunk basis, where importance increases by the Importance value every tick, until sent (NOT confirmed delivered).
E.g. MinSendImportance=60, SimulationTickRate=60, GhostAuthoringComponent.Importance=1
implies a ghost will be replicated roughly once per second.
Enable profiling scopes for each component in a ghost. This can help track down why a ghost is expensive to serialize - but it comes with a performance cost, so is not enabled by default.
public bool EnablePerComponentProfiling { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Non-zero values for Min
- 'unchanged chunks that are "new" to a new-joiner' and b) 'newly spawned chunks'
to be ignored by the replication priority system for multiple seconds.
If this behaviour is undesirable, set this to be above Min
Send . This multiplies the importance value used on those "new" (to the player or to the world) ghost chunks. Note: This does not guarantee delivery of all "new" chunks, it only guarantees that every ghost chunk will get serialized and sent at least once per connection, as quickly as possible (e.g. assuming you have the bandwidth for it).Importance
public uint FirstSendImportanceMultiplier { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
uint |
Debug Feature: Force all ghosts to use pre-serialization. This means part of the serialization will be done once for all connection, instead of once per-connection. This can increase CPU time for simple ghosts and ghosts which are rarely sent. This switch is meant as a DEBUG feature, providing a way of measuring which ghosts would benefit from using pre-serialization.
public bool ForcePreSerialize { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Should not be enabled in Production!
Force all ghosts to use a single snapshot delta-compression value prediction baseline. This will reduce CPU usage at the expense of increased bandwidth usage. This is mostly meant as a way of measuring which ghosts should use static optimization instead of dynamic. If the bits / ghost does not significantly increase when enabling this the ghost can use static optimization to save CPU.
public bool ForceSingleBaseline { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Value used to scale down the importance of chunks where all entities were irrelevant last time it was sent. The importance is divided by this value. It can be used together with MinSendImportance to make sure relevancy is not updated every frame for things with low importance.
public int IrrelevantImportanceDownScale { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
Try to keep the snapshot history buffer for an entity when there is a structural change. Doing this will require a lookup and copy of data whenever a ghost has a structural change, which will add additional CPU cost on the server. Keeping the snapshot history will not always be possible, so, this flag does no give a 100% guarantee, and you are expected to measure CPU and bandwidth when changing this.
public bool KeepSnapshotHistoryOnStructuralChange { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Value used to set the initial size of the internal temporary stream in which
ghost data is serialized. Using a small size will incur in extra serialization costs (because
of multiple round of serialization), while using a larger size provide better performance (overall).
The minimum size of this buffer is forced to be the initial capacity of the outgoing data
stream (usually MaxMessageSize or larger for fragmented payloads).
The suggested default (8kb), while extremely large in respect to the packet size, would allow the Ghost
public int TempStreamInitialSize { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
When set, enables support for using any registered Ghost
public int UseCustomSerializer { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |