Class BundledAssetGroupSchema
Schema used for bundled asset groups.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEditor .AddressableAssets .Settings.GroupSchemas
Assembly: Unity.Addressables.Editor.dll
public class BundledAssetGroupSchema : AddressableAssetGroupSchema, IHostingServiceConfigurationProvider, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
Name | Description |
Asset |
The provider type to use for loading asset bundles. |
Asset |
Determines how other cached versions of asset bundles are cleared. |
Asset |
Will load all Assets into memory from the AssetBundle after the AssetBundle is loaded. |
Build |
The path to copy asset bundles to. |
Bundle |
Controls how bundles are packed. If set to PackTogether, a single asset bundle will be created for the entire group, with the exception of scenes, which are packed in a second bundle. If set to PackSeparately, an asset bundle will be created for each entry in the group; in the case that an entry is a folder, one bundle is created for the folder and all of its sub entries. |
Bundle |
Naming style to use for generated AssetBundle(s). |
Bundled |
The provider type to use for loading assets from bundles. |
Chunked |
Indicates whether the UnityWebRequest system should employ the HTTP/1.1 chunked-transfer encoding method. |
Compression | Build compression. |
Force |
If true, the bundle and asset provider for assets in this group will get unique provider ids and will only provide for assets in this group. |
Hosting |
Returns the Hosting Service content root path for the given Addressable |
Include |
If enabled, addresses are included in the content catalog. This is required if assets are to be loaded via their main address. |
Include |
If enabled, guids are included in content catalogs. This is required if assets are to be loaded via AssetReference. |
Include |
If true, the assets in this group will be included in the build of bundles. |
Include |
If enabled, labels are included in the content catalogs. This is required if labels are used at runtime load load assets. |
Internal |
Internal bundle naming mode |
Internal |
Internal Id mode for assets in bundles. |
Load |
The path to load bundles from. |
Redirect |
Indicates the number of redirects which this UnityWebRequest will follow before halting with a “Redirect Limit Exceeded” system error. |
Retry |
Indicates the number of times the request will be retried. |
Timeout | Attempt to abort after the number of seconds in timeout have passed, where the UnityWebRequest has received no data. Use 0 for no timeout |
Use |
If true, the CRC and Hash values of the asset bundle are used to determine if a bundle can be loaded from the local cache instead of downloaded. |
Use |
If true, the CRC and Hash values of the asset bundle are used to determine if a bundle can be loaded from the local cache instead of downloaded. |
Use |
If true, the CRC and Hash values of the asset bundle are used to determine if a bundle can be loaded from the local cache instead of downloaded. |
Use |
If true, local asset bundles will be loaded through UnityWebRequest. |
Name | Description |
Get |
Returns the id of the asset provider needed to load from this group. |
Get |
Gets the build compression settings for bundles in this group. |
Get |
Returns the id of the bundle provider needed to load from this group. |
On |
Impementation of ISerializationCallbackReceiver. Used to set callbacks for ProfileValueReference changes. |
On |
Implementation of ISerializationCallbackReceiver. Does nothing. |
On |
Used to display the GUI of the schema. |
On |
Used to display the GUI of multiple selected groups. |
On |
Set default values taken from the assigned group. |
Show |
Used for drawing properties in the inspector. |