Class AddressableAssetGroupSchema
Contains data for AddressableAssetGroups.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings
Assembly: Unity.Addressables.Editor.dll
public class AddressableAssetGroupSchema : ScriptableObject
Name | Description |
Group | Get the group that the schema belongs to. |
Name | Description |
Compare(AddressableAssetGroupSchema, AddressableAssetGroupSchema) | |
OnGUI() | Used to display the GUI of the schema. |
OnGUIMultiple(List<AddressableAssetGroupSchema>) | Used to display the GUI of multiple selected groups. |
OnSetGroup(AddressableAssetGroup) | Override this method to perform post creation initialization. |
SetDirty(bool) | Used to notify the addressables settings that data has been modified. This must be called by subclasses to ensure proper cache invalidation. |
ShowAllProperties() | Used for drawing properties in the inspector. |
ShowMixedValue(SerializedProperty, List<AddressableAssetGroupSchema>, Type, string) | Display mixed values for the specified property found in a list of schemas. |