Class BuildScriptPackedMode
Build scripts used for player builds and running with bundles in the editor.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEditor .AddressableAssets .Build.DataBuilders
Assembly: Unity.Addressables.Editor.dll
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "BuildScriptPacked.asset", menuName = "Addressables/Content Builders/Default Build Script")]
public class BuildScriptPackedMode : BuildScriptBase, IDataBuilder
Name | Description |
Name | The descriptive name used in the UI. |
Name | Description |
Build |
The implementation of Build |
Can |
Used to determine if this builder is capable of building a specific type of data. |
Clear |
Used to clean up any cached data created by this builder. |
Construct |
Creates a name for an asset bundle using the provided information. |
Do |
The method that does the actual building after all the groups have been processed. |
Is |
Checks to see if the data is built for the given builder. |
Prep |
Processes an AddressableAssetGroup and generates AssetBundle input definitions based on the BundlePackingMode. |
Process |
The processing of the bundled asset schema. This is where the bundle(s) for a given group are actually setup. |
Process |
Build processing of an individual group. |
Process |
Called per group per schema to evaluate that schema. This can be an easy entry point for implementing the build aspects surrounding a custom schema. Note, you should not rely on schemas getting called in a specific order. |