
public Comparison<int> comparison;


The comparison to use when using ColumnSortingMode.Default. Compares two items by their index in the source.

The following example creates a MultiColumnListView that can be sorted with the default algorithm:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;

namespace MultiColumnViewExample { public class FileExplorerWindow : EditorWindow { MultiColumnListView m_ListView; List<FileInfoWrapper> m_Source = new List<FileInfoWrapper>(); StringBuilder m_StringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

[MenuItem("MultiColumnView Examples/File Explorer (List)")] public static void ShowExample() { var wnd = GetWindow<FileExplorerWindow>(); wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("File Explorer"); }

public void CreateGUI() { // Here we're setting up a 3-column list view to display information on all files in the project. // Each column will be sorted using the `comparison` callback. // Use CTRL/CMD + click on a column header to sort multiple columns. // Use Shift + click on a column header to remove sorting. m_ListView = new MultiColumnListView(new Columns() { new Column() { name = "filename", title = "Name", minWidth = 600, bindCell = (ve, row) => ((Label)ve).text = m_Source[row].fullFileName, comparison = (a, b) => m_Source[a].fullFileName.CompareTo(m_Source[b].fullFileName), }, new Column() { name = "type", title = "Type", minWidth = 60, bindCell = (ve, row) => ((Label)ve).text = m_Source[row].type, comparison = (a, b) => m_Source[a].type.CompareTo(m_Source[b].type), }, new Column() { name = "size", title = "Size", minWidth = 60, bindCell = (ve, row) => ((Label)ve).text = m_Source[row].displaySize, comparison = (a, b) => m_Source[a].sizeLong.CompareTo(m_Source[b].sizeLong), } });

// This causes the list view to take all the space available. = 1;

// Setting the sortingMode to Default enables Unity's sorting algorithm, which will use the Columns' comparison callbacks. m_ListView.sortingMode = ColumnSortingMode.Default;

// Use all the files in the project as the source. foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Application.dataPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { m_Source.Add(new FileInfoWrapper(new FileInfo(file))); }

m_ListView.itemsSource = m_Source;

// The columnSortingChanged and sortedColumns property can be used to know when the ordering changes. // This is the callback to use if you want to implement a custom sorting algorithm, when using ColumnSortingMode.Custom. m_ListView.columnSortingChanged += () => { m_StringBuilder.Clear(); foreach (var s in m_ListView.sortedColumns) { m_StringBuilder.Append($"Sorted {s.columnName} in {s.direction} order."); }

Debug.Log(m_StringBuilder.ToString()); };

rootVisualElement.Add(m_ListView); } }

public class FileInfoWrapper { static readonly string[] k_SizeSuffixes = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB" };

static string GetBytesReadable(long fileSizeInBytes) { if (fileSizeInBytes == 0) return "0" + k_SizeSuffixes[0];

var magnitude = (int)Math.Log(fileSizeInBytes, 1024); var adjustedSize = fileSizeInBytes / (1L << (magnitude * 10));

return $"{adjustedSize:n1} {k_SizeSuffixes[magnitude]}"; }

public FileInfoWrapper(FileInfo fileInfo) { fullFileName = fileInfo.FullName; type = fileInfo.Extension.Substring(1).ToUpper(); displaySize = GetBytesReadable(fileInfo.Length); sizeLong = fileInfo.Length; }

public readonly string fullFileName; public readonly string type; public readonly string displaySize; public readonly long sizeLong; // It is faster to compare long than strings. } }

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