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public static void GetRenderPipelineAssetsForPlatform(string buildTargetGroupName, out HashSet<T> uniqueRenderPipelineAssets);


buildTargetGroupName The platform to obtain the Render Pipeline Assets.
uniqueRenderPipelineAssets A collection with the non null selected Render Pipeline Assets for the platform.


[Editor Only] Obtains a set with the non null Render Pipeline Assets selected on all the Quality Levels for the given platform.


public static void GetRenderPipelineAssetsForPlatform(string buildTargetGroupName, out HashSet<T> uniqueRenderPipelineAssets, out bool allLevelsAreOverridden);


buildTargetGroupName The platform to obtain the Render Pipeline Assets.
uniqueRenderPipelineAssets A collection with the non null selected Render Pipeline Assets for the platform.
allLevelsAreOverridden An additional information that state if all quality settings were overridden in the project.


[Editor Only] Obtains a set with the non null Render Pipeline Assets selected on all the Quality Levels for the given platform.

public T[] GetAllRenderPipelineAssets<T>(BuildTarget platform)
    where T : RenderPipelineAsset
    var activeBuildTargetGroup = BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(platform);
    var namedBuildTarget = NamedBuildTarget.FromBuildTargetGroup(activeBuildTargetGroup);
    QualitySettings.GetRenderPipelineAssetsForPlatform<T>(namedBuildTarget.TargetName, out var uniqueAssets, out bool allLevelsAreOverridden);
        return uniqueAssets.ToArray();

return Array.Empty<T>(); }

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