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public static void GetAllRenderPipelineAssetsForPlatform(string buildTargetGroupName, ref List<RenderPipelineAsset> renderPipelineAssets);


buildTargetGroupName The platform to obtain the Render Pipeline Assets.
renderPipelineAssets The list that will be filled with the unfiltered Render Pipeline Assets. There might be null Render Pipeline Assets.


[Editor Only] Fills the given list with all the Render Pipeline Assets on any Quality Level for the given platform. Without filtering by Render Pipeline Asset type or null.

public RenderPipelineAsset[] GetAllRenderPipelineAssets(BuildTarget platform)
    var activeBuildTargetGroup = BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup(platform);
    var namedBuildTarget = NamedBuildTarget.FromBuildTargetGroup(activeBuildTargetGroup);
    List<RenderPipelineAsset> assets = new List<RenderPipelineAsset>();
    QualitySettings.GetAllRenderPipelineAssetsForPlatform(namedBuildTarget.TargetName, ref assets);
    return assets.ToArray();

Gets all the Render Pipeline Assets. That are included in all the Quality levels for the given platform.

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