Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6(go to latest)
Language: English
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public static function RadiusHandle(rotation: Quaternion, position: Vector3, radius: float, handlesOnly: bool): float;
public static function RadiusHandle(rotation: Quaternion, position: Vector3, radius: float): float;


rotation Orientation of the handle.
position Center of the handle in 3D space.
radius Radius to modify.


float The modified radius

Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.


Make a Scene view radius handle.

RadiusHandle on the Scene View.

	// Simple script that draws and controls a float var on any Game Object that has the 
	// ColliderRadius.js script attached.
	@CustomEditor (ColliderRadius)
	class RadiusHandleJS extends Editor {
		function OnSceneGUI () {
	        target.areaOfEffect = Handles.RadiusHandle (Quaternion.identity, 
	        if (GUI.changed)
	            EditorUtility.SetDirty (target);

And the Script attached to this handle:

	// Place this script where you want to see the RadiusHandler working on.
	var areaOfEffect : float = 1;