Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6(go to latest)
Language: English
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public static function SetDirty(target: Object): void;


Marks target object as dirty.

Unity internally uses the dirty flag to find out when assets have changed and need to be saved to disk.

E.g. if you modify a prefab's MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject variables, you must tell Unity that the value has changed. Unity builtin components internally call SetDirty whenever a property changes. MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject don't do this automatically so if you want your value to be saved you need to call SetDirty.

	#pragma strict
	// This example shows a custom inspector for an
	// object "MyPlayerEditor", which has two variables, speed and ammo.
	class MyPlayerEditor extends Editor {
		function OnInspectorGUI()
			var targetPlayer = target as MyPlayer;
			EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Some help", "Some other text");

GUI.changed = false; targetPlayer.speed = EditorGUILayout.Slider ("Speed", targetPlayer.speed, 0, 100); if (GUI.changed) EditorUtility.SetDirty(targetPlayer); } }