
static function LoadAll (path : String, systemTypeInstance : Type) : Object[]


Loads all assets in a folder or file at path in a Resources folder.

If path refers to a folder, all assets in the folder will be returned. If path refers to a file, only that asset will be returned. Only objects of type will be returned. The path is relative to any Resources folder inside the Assets folder of your project.

    // Loads all assets in the "Resources/Textures" folder
// Then picks a random one from the list.
// Note: Random.Range in this case returns [low,high)
// range, i.e. the high value is not inclusive.
function Start (){
var go = new GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
var textures : Object[] = Resources.LoadAll("Textures", Texture2D);
var texture : Texture2D = textures[Random.Range(0, textures.Length)];
go.renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;

static function LoadAll (path : String) : Object[]


Loads all assets in a folder or file at path in a Resources folder.

If path refers to a folder, all assets in the folder will be returned. If path refers to a file, only that asset will be returned. The path is relative to any Resources folder inside the Assets folder of your project.

    // Loads all assets in the "Resources/Textures" folder
// Then picks a random one from the list.
// Note: Random.Range in this case returns [low,high)
// range, i.e. the high value is not inclusive.
function Start (){
var go = new GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
var textures : Object[] = Resources.LoadAll("Textures");
var texture : Texture2D = textures[Random.Range(0, textures.Length)];
go.renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;