This version of Unity is unsupported.


public static bool TryGetStat(IntegratedSubsystem xrSubsystem, string tag, out float value);


xrSubsystemThe subsystem with which the stat is registered.
tagThe tag used to query for a statistic.
valueReceives the current value of the requested statistic. Contains a valid value when this method returns true.


bool True, if the requested statistic is available, false otherwise.


Retrieve a statistic for an XR subsystem.

The TryGetStat method queries an XR subsystem for the specified statistic and, if available, sets the output value parameter to the current statistic value. TryGetStat returns true to indicate that the output parameter contains a valid statistic value. If the specified tag is not defined for the subsystem or the subsystem itself is not ready, TryGetStat returns false.

using UnityEngine.XR.Provider;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.XR;
using UnityEngine.Experimental;
using UnityEngine;

public static class OpenVRStats { public static float GPUFrameTime() { float tmp; XRStats.TryGetStat(GetFirstDisplaySubsystem(), "OpenVR.Display.GPUFrameTime", out tmp); return tmp; }

public static float MotionToPhoton() { float tmp; XRStats.TryGetStat(GetFirstDisplaySubsystem(), "MotionToPhoton", out tmp); return tmp; }

// etc... private static IntegratedSubsystem GetFirstDisplaySubsystem() { List<XRDisplaySubsystem> displays = new List<XRDisplaySubsystem>(); SubsystemManager.GetInstances(displays); if (displays.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("No display subsystem found."); return null; } return displays[0]; } }