
static function Foldout (foldout : boolean, content : String, style : GUIStyle = EditorStyles.foldout) : boolean

static function Foldout (foldout : boolean, content : GUIContent, style : GUIStyle = EditorStyles.foldout) : boolean


foldout The shown foldout state.
content The label to show.
style Optional GUIStyle.


boolean - The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.


Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.

This is useful for creating tree or folder like structures where child objects are only shown if the parent is folded out.

Create a foldable menu that hides/shows the selected transform.

// Create a foldable menu that hides/shows the selected transform
// position.
// if no Transform is selected, the Foldout item will be folded until
// a transform is selected.

class FoldoutUsage extends EditorWindow {

var showPosition : boolean = true;
var status : String = "Select a GameObject";
@MenuItem("Examples/Foldout Usage")
static function Init() {
var window = GetWindow(FoldoutUsage);

function OnGUI() {
showPosition = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showPosition, status);
if(Selection.activeTransform) {
Selection.activeTransform.position =
EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Position", Selection.activeTransform.position);
status = Selection.activeTransform.name;

if(!Selection.activeTransform) {
status = "Select a GameObject";
showPosition = false;
function OnInspectorUpdate() {