Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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Язык программирования

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public function GetPixelBilinear(u: float, v: float): Color;
public Color GetPixelBilinear(float u, float v);



Returns filtered pixel color at normalized coordinates (u, v).

Coordinates u and v go from 0.0 to 1.0, just like UV coordinates in meshes. Если координаты пикселя вышли за границы (больше чем ширина/высота или меньше 0), они будут зажаты или преобразован в соответствии с wrap mode текстуры.

Texture coordinates start at lower left corner. UV of (0,0) lands exactly on the bottom left texel; and UV of ((width-1)/width, (height-1)/height) lands exactly on the top right texel.

Returned pixel color is bilinearly filtered.

The texture must have the Read/Write Enabled flag set in the import settings, otherwise this function will fail.

See Also: GetPixel.

// "Warp" a texture by squashing its pixels to one side.
// This involves sampling the image at non-integer pixel
// positions to ensure a smooth effect.

// Source image. var sourceTex: Texture2D;

// Amount of "warping". var warpFactor = 1.0;

private var destTex: Texture2D; private var destPix: Color[];

function Start () { // Set up a new texture with the same dimensions as the original. destTex = new Texture2D(sourceTex.width, sourceTex.height); destPix = new Color[destTex.width * destTex.height];

// For each pixel in the destination texture... for (var y = 0; y < destTex.height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < destTex.width; x++) { // Calculate the fraction of the way across the image // that this pixel positon corresponds to. var xFrac = x * 1.0 / (destTex.width - 1); var yFrac = y * 1.0 / (destTex.height - 1);

// Take the fractions (0..1)and raise them to a power to apply // the distortion. var warpXFrac = Mathf.Pow(xFrac, warpFactor); var warpYFrac = Mathf.Pow(yFrac, warpFactor);

// Get the non-integer pixel positions using GetPixelBilinear. destPix[y * destTex.width + x] = sourceTex.GetPixelBilinear(warpXFrac, warpYFrac); } }

// Copy the pixel data to the destination texture and apply the change. destTex.SetPixels(destPix); destTex.Apply();

// Set our object's texture to the newly warped image. GetComponent.<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = destTex; }
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public Texture2D sourceTex; public float warpFactor = 1.0F; private Texture2D destTex; private Color[] destPix; void Start() { destTex = new Texture2D(sourceTex.width, sourceTex.height); destPix = new Color[destTex.width * destTex.height]; int y = 0; while (y < destTex.height) { int x = 0; while (x < destTex.width) { float xFrac = x * 1.0F / (destTex.width - 1); float yFrac = y * 1.0F / (destTex.height - 1); float warpXFrac = Mathf.Pow(xFrac, warpFactor); float warpYFrac = Mathf.Pow(yFrac, warpFactor); destPix[y * destTex.width + x] = sourceTex.GetPixelBilinear(warpXFrac, warpYFrac); x++; } y++; } destTex.SetPixels(destPix); destTex.Apply(); GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = destTex; } }

See Also: GetPixel.