public static string PasswordField (Rect position, string password, GUIStyle style= EditorStyles.textField);
public static string PasswordField (Rect position, string label, string password, GUIStyle style= EditorStyles.textField);
public static string PasswordField (Rect position, GUIContent label, string password, GUIStyle style= EditorStyles.textField);


position@param position Прямоугольник на экране, используемый для поля.
label@param label Необязательная метка для отображения перед полем.
passwordThe password to edit.
style@param style Необязательный стиль GUIStyle.


string Значение, введенное пользователем.


Makes a text field where the user can enter a password.

This works just like GUI.PasswordField, but correctly responds to select all, etc. in the editor, and it can have an optional label in front.

Password Field in an Editor Window.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

// Editor Script that creates a password field and lets you visualize what have you // typed in a label.

class EditorGUIPasswordField : EditorWindow { string text = "Some text here";

[MenuItem("Examples/Editor Password field usage")] static void Init() { EditorWindow window = GetWindow<EditorGUIPasswordField>(); window.Show(); }

void OnGUI() { text = EditorGUI.PasswordField( new Rect(3, 3, position.width - 6, 20), "Type Something:", text);

EditorGUI.LabelField( new Rect(3, 25, position.width - 5, 20), "Written Text:", text); } }