Version: 2017.1


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public static void DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline (Vector3[] verts, Color faceColor, Color outlineColor);


verts @param verts 4 вершины прямоугольника в мировых координатах.
faceColor @param center Центр круга.
outlineColor @param rotation Вращение маркера.


Рисует твердый очерченный прямоугольник в 3D пространстве.

Solid rectangle with a black outline in the Scene View.

    // Create a semi transparent rectangle that lets you modify
    // the "range" var that resides in "SolidRectangleExample.js"

@CustomEditor (SolidRectangleExample) class DrawSolidRectangle extends Editor { function OnSceneGUI () { var pos : Vector3 = target.transform.position;

var verts : Vector3[] = [Vector3(pos.x - target.range,pos.y,pos.z-target.range), Vector3(pos.x-target.range,pos.y,pos.z + target.range), Vector3(pos.x+target.range,pos.y,pos.z + target.range), Vector3(pos.x+target.range,pos.y,pos.z-target.range)]; Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(verts, Color(1,1,1,0.2), Color(0,0,0,1));

for(var posCube : Vector3 in verts) target.range = Handles.ScaleValueHandle(target.range, posCube, Quaternion.identity, 1, Handles.CubeCap, 1); } }

И скрипт, прикрепленный к данному маркеру:


var range : float = 5;