Publishing to Reflect from Archicad

Unity Reflect is compatible with ARCHICAD 24 and 25.

Export to Reflect

  1. Open a 3D view in Archicad.

  2. Navigate to File > InteroperabilityUnity ReflectExport 3D View to Unity.

  3. If prompted, sign in to Unity Reflect.

  4. Select or create a project to export to.

  5. Click Export.

    The selected model is exported to your Reflect project.

Sync with Reflect

  1. Open a 3D view in Archicad.

  2. Navigate to File > InteroperabilityUnity ReflectSync.

  3. Select or create a Reflect project to sync with.

  4. Click Sync.

    To verify that syncing is enabled, go back to File > InteroperabilityUnity Reflect > **Sync. **When this menu option is highlighted, syncing is active. To disable syncing, select it again.