Version: 2022.2
언어: 한국어


class in UnityEngine

매뉴얼로 전환


Detail prototype used by the Terrain GameObject.


alignToGroundRotate detail axis parallel to the ground's normal direction, so that the detail is perpendicular to the ground.
densityControls detail density for this detail prototype, relative to it's size.
dryColorColor when the DetailPrototypes are "dry".
healthyColorColor when the DetailPrototypes are "healthy".
holeEdgePaddingControls how far away detail objects are from the edge of the hole area.
maxHeightMaximum height of the grass billboards (if render mode is GrassBillboard).
maxWidthMaximum width of the grass billboards (if render mode is GrassBillboard).
minHeightMinimum height of the grass billboards (if render mode is GrassBillboard).
minWidthMinimum width of the grass billboards (if render mode is GrassBillboard).
noiseSeedSpecifies the random seed value for detail object placement.
noiseSpreadControls the spatial frequency of the noise pattern used to vary the scale and color of the detail objects.
positionJitterControls how Unity generates the detail positions.
prototypeGameObject used by the DetailPrototype.
prototypeTextureTexture used by the DetailPrototype.
renderModeRender mode for the DetailPrototype.
targetCoverageControls the detail's target coverage.
useDensityScalingIndicates the global density scale set in the terrain settings affects this detail prototype.
useInstancingIndicates whether this detail prototype uses GPU Instancing for rendering.
usePrototypeMeshIndicates whether this detail prototype uses the Mesh object from the GameObject specified by prototype.

Public 함수

ValidateReturns true if the detail prototype is valid and the Terrain can accept it.

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