Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
public static bool IsEditorTargetAPreset (Object target);


Returns true if the given target is a temporary UnityEngine.Object instance created from inside a PresetEditor.

This method has to be used from inside a CustomEditor in order to change what values are being displayed in the context of a Preset. Some CustomEditors, like the ones for global settings, are being mixed with serialized values that can be part of a Preset and global values shared between projects that are not serializable. In a Preset inspector, those global values should be hidden or at least disabled because changing them in the Preset would in fact change them globally.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Presets;
using UnityEditor.UIElements;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

[CustomEditor(typeof(SomeSettings))] class SomeSettingsEditor : Editor { public override VisualElement CreateInspectorGUI() { var root = new VisualElement();

// create UI for serialized data var aFloat = new PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("m_AFloat")); root.Add(aFloat);

// We are adding another field with an EditorPref data that we want to be excluded from the Preset UI. if (!Preset.IsEditorTargetAPreset(target)) { var global = new FloatField("Global Pref"); global.value = EditorPrefs.GetFloat("SomeGlobalSetting", 0.0f); global.RegisterCallback<ChangeEvent<float>>(evt => EditorPrefs.SetFloat("SomeGlobalSetting", evt.newValue)); root.Add(global); }

return root; } }

class SomeSettings : ScriptableObject { public float m_AFloat; }

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