Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
public float maxParticleSize ;



Particles can become very heavy on fillrate. Use this setting to make sure they don't use too much performance when up close to the viewer.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

[RequireComponent(typeof(ParticleSystem))] public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {

private ParticleSystem ps; private ParticleSystemRenderer psr; public float minSize = 0.0f; public float maxSize = 1.0f;

void Start() {

ps = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>(); psr = GetComponent<ParticleSystemRenderer>();

var main = ps.main; main.startSize = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(0.1f, 5.0f); }

void Update() { psr.minParticleSize = minSize; psr.maxParticleSize = maxSize; }

void OnGUI() { GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 40, 200, 30), "Minimum Screen Space Size"); GUI.Label(new Rect(25, 80, 200, 30), "Maximum Screen Space Size");

minSize = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(245, 45, 100, 30), minSize, 0.0f, 1.0f); maxSize = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(245, 85, 100, 30), maxSize, 0.0f, 1.0f); } }

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