Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
public static void DrawProceduralNow (MeshTopology topology, int vertexCount, int instanceCount);


topology プロシージャルジオメトリのトポロジー
vertexCount 描画する頂点数
instanceCount レンダリングするインスタンス数


Draws procedural geometry on the GPU.

DrawProceduralNow does a draw call on the GPU, without any vertex or index buffers. This is mainly useful on Shader Model 4.5 level hardware where shaders can read arbitrary data from ComputeBuffer buffers.

Note that this call executes immediately, similar to Graphics.DrawMeshNow. It uses the currently set render target, transformation matrices and shader pass.

There's also similar functionality in CommandBuffers, see CommandBuffer.DrawProcedural.

See Also: Graphics.DrawProceduralIndirectNow, SystemInfo.supportsInstancing.

public static void DrawProceduralNow (MeshTopology topology, GraphicsBuffer indexBuffer, int indexCount, int instanceCount);


topology プロシージャルジオメトリのトポロジー
indexCount Index count to render.
instanceCount レンダリングするインスタンス数
indexBuffer Index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU.


Draws procedural geometry on the GPU.

DrawProceduralNow does a draw call on the GPU, without a vertex buffer. This is mainly useful on Shader Model 4.5 level hardware where shaders can read arbitrary data from ComputeBuffer buffers.

Note that this call executes immediately, similar to Graphics.DrawMeshNow. It uses the currently set render target, transformation matrices and shader pass.

There's also similar functionality in CommandBuffers, see CommandBuffer.DrawProcedural.

See Also: Graphics.DrawProceduralIndirectNow, SystemInfo.supportsInstancing.

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