Version: 2020.2
言語: 日本語
public Bounds bounds ;




Using bounds is convenient to make rough approximations about the object's location and its extents. For example, the center property is often a more precise approximation to the center of the object than Transform.position, especially if the object is not symmetrical.

Mesh.bounds プロパティーに似ていますが、ローカル空間でメッシュの境界を返すことに注意してください。

using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { Renderer rend;

void Start() { rend = GetComponent<Renderer>(); }

// Draws a wireframe sphere in the Scene view, fully enclosing // the object. void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { // A sphere that fully encloses the bounding box. Vector3 center =; float radius = rend.bounds.extents.magnitude;

Gizmos.color = Color.white; Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(center, radius); } }

関連項目: Bounds, Mesh.bounds.

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