TerrainData クラスはハイトマップ、メッシュの位置の詳細、ツリーインスタンス、地形テクスチャのアルファマップなどを格納します。
Terrain コンポーネントは地形データにリンクして、レンダリングを行ないます。
AlphamapTextureName | The name for the Terrain alpha map textures. |
HolesTextureName | The name for the Terrain holes Texture. |
alphamapHeight | Height of the alpha map. (Read only.) |
alphamapLayers | アルファマップレイヤーの数 |
alphamapResolution | The size of the alpha map in texels for either the width or the height. |
alphamapTextureCount | Returns the number of alphamap textures. |
alphamapTextures | Terrain で使用されるアルファマップテクスチャ。Undo のため Terrain インスペクターで使用されます。 |
alphamapWidth | アルファマップの幅 |
baseMapResolution | 地形のパッチのレンダリングで使用されるベースマップの解像度 |
bounds | The local bounding box of the TerrainData object. |
detailHeight | The resolution of the detail data stored in TerrainData. |
detailPatchCount | The number of patches along a terrain tile edge. This is squared to make a grid of patches. |
detailPrototypes | Contains the detail texture/meshes that the Terrain has. |
detailResolution | TerrainData の詳細な解像度 |
detailResolutionPerPatch | 各パッチの詳細解像度。大きい値は詳細オブジェクトによって使用されるバッチの数に減らされます。 |
detailWidth | The resolution of the detail data stored in TerrainData. |
enableHolesTextureCompression | Enable the Terrain holes Texture compression. |
heightmapResolution | The size of the heightmap in texels for either the width or the height. |
heightmapScale | Returns a Vector3 where the x and z components are the size of each heightmap sample (i.e. the space between two neighboring heightmap samples), and the y component is the entire Terrain's height range in world space. |
heightmapTexture | Returns the heightmap texture. |
holesResolution | Returns the Terrain holes resolution for both the data and the Texture. |
holesTexture | Returns the Terrain holes Texture. |
size | ワールド単位での地形の合計サイズ |
terrainLayers | Retrieves the terrain layers used by the current terrain. |
treeInstanceCount | ツリーインスタンスの数を返します。 |
treeInstances | 地形に配置された現在の樹木を含みます。 |
treePrototypes | ツリープロトタイプのリスト。これはインスペクターで使用できるものです。 |
wavingGrassAmount | 草の量 |
wavingGrassSpeed | 草が揺れる速さ |
wavingGrassStrength | 草が揺れる強さ |
wavingGrassTint | 草のカラー |
CopyActiveRenderTextureToHeightmap | Copies the specified part of the active RenderTexture to the Terrain heightmap texture. |
CopyActiveRenderTextureToTexture | Copies the specified part of the active RenderTexture to the Terrain texture. |
DirtyHeightmapRegion | Marks the specified part of the heightmap as dirty. |
DirtyTextureRegion | Marks the specified part of the Terrain texture as dirty. |
GetAlphamaps | (x, y, width, height)を設定し、てアルファマップを取得します |
GetAlphamapTexture | Returns the alphamap texture at the specified index. |
GetDetailLayer | Returns a 2D array of the detail object density (i.e. the number of detail objects for this layer) in the specific location. |
GetHeight | Gets the world space height of the Terrain at a certain point x,y without adding the Terrain's world position y. |
GetHeights | Gets an array of heightmap samples. |
GetHoles | Gets an array of Terrain holes samples. |
GetInterpolatedHeight | Gets an interpolated height at a point x,y. The x and y coordinates are clamped to [0, 1]. |
GetInterpolatedHeights | Gets an array of terrain height values using the normalized x,y coordinates. |
GetInterpolatedNormal | 指定した場所の補完された法線を取得します |
GetMaximumHeightError | Returns an array of tesselation maximum height error values per renderable terrain patch. The returned array can be modified and passed to OverrideMaximumHeightError. |
GetPatchMinMaxHeights | Returns an array of min max height values for all the renderable patches in a terrain. The returned array can be modified and then passed to OverrideMinMaxPatchHeights. |
GetSteepness | 地形の (x,y) ポイントの勾配を取得します。 |
GetSupportedLayers | エリア内のすべてのサポートされている、レイヤーのインデックス配列を取得します |
GetTreeInstance | Gets the tree instance at the specified index. It is used as a faster version of treeInstances[index] as this function doesn't create the entire tree instances array. |
IsHole | Gets whether a certain point at x,y is a hole. |
OverrideMaximumHeightError | Override the maximum tessellation height error with user provided values. Note that the overriden values get reset when the terrain resolution is changed and stays unchanged when the terrain heightmap is painted or changed via script. |
OverrideMinMaxPatchHeights | Override the minimum and maximum patch heights for every renderable terrain patch. Note that the overriden values get reset when the terrain resolution is changed and stays unchanged when the terrain heightmap is painted or changed via script. |
RefreshPrototypes | TerrainData オブジェクトで利用可能なプロトタイプ (すなわち、詳細メッシュアセット) のすべての値を再度読み込みます。 |
SetAlphamaps | 指定されたマップ領域のすべての splat 値を割り当てます。 |
SetBaseMapDirty | Marks the terrain data as dirty to trigger an update of the terrain basemap texture. |
SetDetailLayer | 詳細なレイヤーの密度マップを設定します |
SetDetailResolution | Sets the resolution of the detail map. |
SetHeights | Sets an array of heightmap samples. |
SetHeightsDelayLOD | Sets an array of heightmap samples. |
SetHoles | Sets an array of Terrain holes samples. |
SetHolesDelayLOD | Sets an array of Terrain holes samples. |
SetTerrainLayersRegisterUndo | This function sets the terrainLayers property, and in addition, registers the action to the Editor's undo stack. |
SetTreeInstance | Sets the tree instance with new parameters at the specified index. However, you cannot change TreeInstance.prototypeIndex and TreeInstance.position. If you change them, the method throws an ArgumentException. |
SetTreeInstances | Sets the Tree Instance array, and optionally snaps Trees onto the surface of the Terrain heightmap. |
SyncHeightmap | Performs synchronization queued by previous calls to CopyActiveRenderTextureToHeightmap and DirtyHeightmapRegion, which makes the height data and LOD data used for tessellation up to date. |
SyncTexture | Performs synchronization queued by previous calls to CopyActiveRenderTextureToTexture and DirtyTextureRegion, which makes CPU data of the Terrain textures up to date. |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | オブジェクト名 |
GetInstanceID | オブジェクトのインスタンス ID を返します |
ToString | Returns the name of the object. |
Destroy | Removes a GameObject, component or asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Do not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene. |
FindObjectOfType | タイプ type から最初に見つけたアクティブのオブジェクトを返します |
FindObjectsOfType | Gets a list of all loaded objects of Type type. |
Instantiate | original のオブジェクトをクローンします |
bool | オブジェクトが存在するかどうか |
operator != | 二つのオブジェクトが異なるオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します |
operator == | 2つのオブジェクト参照が同じオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します。 |