Version: 2019.3


class in UnityEngine




MaterialPropertyBlock is used by Graphics.DrawMesh and Renderer.SetPropertyBlock. Use it in situations where you want to draw multiple objects with the same material, but slightly different properties. For example, if you want to slightly change the color of each mesh drawn. Changing the render state is not supported.

Unity's terrain engine uses MaterialPropertyBlock to draw trees; all of them use the same material, but each tree has different color, scale & wind factor.

The block passed to Graphics.DrawMesh or Renderer.SetPropertyBlock is copied, so the most efficient way of using it is to create one block and reuse it for all DrawMesh calls. Use SetFloat, SetVector, SetColor, SetMatrix, SetTexture, SetBuffer to add or replace values.

See Also: Graphics.DrawMesh, Material.


isEmptyMaterialPropertyBlock が空かどうか (読み込み専用)

Public 関数

CopyProbeOcclusionArrayFromThis function copies the entire source array into a Vector4 property array named unity_ProbesOcclusion for use with instanced Shadowmask rendering.
CopySHCoefficientArraysFromThis function converts and copies the entire source array into 7 Vector4 property arrays named unity_SHAr, unity_SHAg, unity_SHAb, unity_SHBr, unity_SHBg, unity_SHBb and unity_SHC for use with instanced light probe rendering.
GetColorGet a color from the property block.
GetFloatプロパティーブロックから float を取得します
GetFloatArrayGet a float array from the property block.
GetIntGet an int from the property block.
GetMatrixプロパティーブロックから matrix を取得します
GetMatrixArrayGet a matrix array from the property block.
GetTextureプロパティーブロックから texture を取得します
GetVectorプロパティーブロックから vector を取得します。
GetVectorArrayGet a vector array from the property block.
SetBuffer ComputeBuffer プロパティーを設定します。
SetColorcolor 型のプロパティーを設定します
SetFloatfloat 型のプロパティーを設定します
SetFloatArrayfloat 配列のプロパティーを設定します。
SetIntAdds a property to the block. If an int property with the given name already exists, the old value is replaced.
SetMatrixMatrix4x4 型のプロパティーを設定します
SetMatrixArrayMatrix 配列プロパティーを設定します。
SetTextureTexture 型のプロパティーを設定します
SetVectorvector 型のプロパティーを設定します

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