Version: 2018.4
public static TouchScreenKeyboard Open (string text, TouchScreenKeyboardType keyboardType= TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default, bool autocorrection= true, bool multiline= false, bool secure= false, bool alert= false, string textPlaceholder= "", int characterLimit= 0);


keyboardTypeキーボードの種類 (例: テキスト、数字のみ、等).
multiline1 行以上文字を入力するかどうか
secureテキストをマスクするかどうか (パスワード等)
characterLimitHow many characters the keyboard input field is limited to. 0 = infinite. (Android and iOS only)


スクリーン上に OS が提供しているネイティブのキーボードを表示します

The autocorrection determines whether the input tracks unknown words and suggests a more suitable replacement candidate to the user, replacing the typed text automatically unless the user explicitly overrides the action. The multiline determines if user can input more than one line of text. The secure identifies whether the keyboard is used for password. Text in the input field will be hidden from the user except the recently typed character. The keyboard can be opened in the alert mode too. The placeholder string will be displayed when there is no other text in the input field of the keyboard.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public string stringToEdit = "Hello World"; private TouchScreenKeyboard keyboard;

// Opens native keyboard void OnGUI() { stringToEdit = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 10, 200, 30), stringToEdit, 30);

if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 50, 200, 100), "Default")) { keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 150, 200, 100), "ASCIICapable")) { keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.ASCIICapable); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 250, 200, 100), "Numbers and Punctuation")) { keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.NumbersAndPunctuation); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 350, 200, 100), "URL")) { keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.URL); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 450, 200, 100), "NumberPad")) { keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.NumberPad); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 550, 200, 100), "PhonePad")) { keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.PhonePad); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 650, 200, 100), "NamePhonePad")) { keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.NamePhonePad); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 750, 200, 100), "EmailAddress")) { keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.EmailAddress); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 850, 200, 100), "Social")) { keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.Social); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 950, 200, 100), "Search")) { keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.Search); } } }

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