Version: 2017.1
Method group is Obsolete


Obsolete public static void LoadLevelAdditive (int index);
Obsolete public static void LoadLevelAdditive (string name);



Unlike LoadLevel, LoadLevelAdditive does not destroy objects in the current level. Objects from the new level are added to the current scene. This is useful for creating continuous virtual worlds, where more content is loaded in as you walk through the environment.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Example() { Application.LoadLevel(1); Application.LoadLevelAdditive("MoreStuff"); } }

LoadLevelAdditive は、次のフレームの初回の FixedUpdate の呼び出しが行われる前に初期化が行われ、新しいオブジェクトが追加されます(イベント関数の実行順 を参照してください)。

See Also: AsyncOperation, Application.backgroundLoadingPriority, Application.LoadLevelAdditiveAsync, Application.LoadLevel, Application.LoadLevelAsync.