Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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public static function ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(rect: RectTransform, screenPoint: Vector2, cam: Camera, out worldPoint: Vector3): bool;
public static bool ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(RectTransform rect, Vector2 screenPoint, Camera cam, out Vector3 worldPoint);


rect The RectTransform to find a point inside.
cam The camera associated with the screen space position.
screenPoint Screen space position.
worldPoint Point in world space.

Valor de retorno

bool Returns true if the plane of the RectTransform is hit, regardless of whether the point is inside the rectangle.


Transform a screen space point to a position in world space that is on the plane of the given RectTransform.

The cam parameter should be the camera associated with the screen point. For a RectTransform in a Canvas set to Screen Space - Overlay mode, the cam parameter should be null.

When ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle is used from within an event handler that provides a PointerEventData object, the correct camera can be obtained by using PointerEventData.enterEventData (for hover functionality) or PointerEventData.pressEventCamera (for click functionality). This will automatically use the correct camera (or null) for the given event.