Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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public var centroid: Vector2;
public Vector2 centroid;


The centroid of the primitive used to perform the cast.

When the RaycastHit2D is returned from line or ray casting, the centroid is identical to the return point property however when using cast methods that use a geometry shape (as opposed to a simple point) such as circle or box casting, the centroid is the center of the respective shape when it is in contact with the returned point.

The centroid is useful in determining the position the cast shape should be for it to collider at the contact point. Note that the point takes into account any rotation specified for the shape when it was cast.

See Also: See Also: point, Physics2D.Raycast, Physics2D.Linecast, Physics2D.CircleCast & Physics2D.BoxCast.