Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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public function CompleteOffMeshLink(): void;
public void CompleteOffMeshLink();


Completes the movement on the current OffMeshLink.

The agent will move to the closest valid navmesh position on the other end of the current OffMeshLink.

CompleteOffMeshLink has no effect unless the agent is on an OffMeshLink (See Also: isOnOffMeshLink).

When autoTraverseOffMeshLink is disabled an agent will pause at an off-mesh link until this function is called. It is useful for implementing custom movement across OffMeshLinks.

#pragma strict
public enum OffMeshLinkMoveMethod {

@script RequireComponent(NavMeshAgent) public var method = OffMeshLinkMoveMethod.Parabola;

function Start() { var agent : NavMeshAgent = GetComponent.<NavMeshAgent>(); agent.autoTraverseOffMeshLink = false; while (true) { if (agent.isOnOffMeshLink) { if (method == OffMeshLinkMoveMethod.NormalSpeed) yield StartCoroutine(NormalSpeed(agent)); else if (method == OffMeshLinkMoveMethod.Parabola) yield StartCoroutine(Parabola(agent, 2.0f, 0.5f)); agent.CompleteOffMeshLink(); } yield; } } function NormalSpeed(agent : NavMeshAgent) { var data : OffMeshLinkData = agent.currentOffMeshLinkData; var endPos : Vector3 = data.endPos + Vector3.up * agent.baseOffset; while ( agent.transform.position != endPos ) { Debug.Log ("NormalSpeed : " + agent.speed * Time.deltaTime); agent.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(agent.transform.position, endPos, agent.speed * Time.deltaTime); yield; } } function Parabola(agent : NavMeshAgent, height : float, duration : float) { var data = agent.currentOffMeshLinkData; var startPos : Vector3 = agent.transform.position; var endPos : Vector3 = data.endPos + Vector3.up * agent.baseOffset; var normalizedTime : float = 0.0f; while ( normalizedTime < 1.0f ) { var yOffset = height * 4.0f * (normalizedTime - normalizedTime * normalizedTime); agent.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endPos, normalizedTime) + yOffset * Vector3.up; normalizedTime += Time.deltaTime / duration; yield; } }
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public enum OffMeshLinkMoveMethod { Teleport, NormalSpeed, Parabola }

[RequireComponent (typeof (NavMeshAgent))] public class AgentLinkMover : MonoBehaviour { public OffMeshLinkMoveMethod method = OffMeshLinkMoveMethod.Parabola; IEnumerator Start () { NavMeshAgent agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent> (); agent.autoTraverseOffMeshLink = false; while (true) { if (agent.isOnOffMeshLink) { if (method == OffMeshLinkMoveMethod.NormalSpeed) yield return StartCoroutine (NormalSpeed (agent)); else if (method == OffMeshLinkMoveMethod.Parabola) yield return StartCoroutine (Parabola (agent, 2.0f, 0.5f)); agent.CompleteOffMeshLink (); } yield return null; } } IEnumerator NormalSpeed (NavMeshAgent agent) { OffMeshLinkData data = agent.currentOffMeshLinkData; Vector3 endPos = data.endPos + Vector3.up*agent.baseOffset; while (agent.transform.position != endPos) { agent.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (agent.transform.position, endPos, agent.speed*Time.deltaTime); yield return null; } } IEnumerator Parabola (NavMeshAgent agent, float height, float duration) { OffMeshLinkData data = agent.currentOffMeshLinkData; Vector3 startPos = agent.transform.position; Vector3 endPos = data.endPos + Vector3.up*agent.baseOffset; float normalizedTime = 0.0f; while (normalizedTime < 1.0f) { float yOffset = height * 4.0f*(normalizedTime - normalizedTime*normalizedTime); agent.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (startPos, endPos, normalizedTime) + yOffset * Vector3.up; normalizedTime += Time.deltaTime / duration; yield return null; } } }