Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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public static function CreateEditor(targetObject: Object, editorType: Type = null): Editor;
public static Editor CreateEditor(Object targetObject, Type editorType = null);
public static function CreateEditor(targetObject: Object, editorType: Type = null): Editor;
public static Editor CreateEditor(Object targetObject, Type editorType = null);
public static function CreateEditor(targetObjects: Object[], editorType: Type = null): Editor;
public static Editor CreateEditor(Object[] targetObjects, Type editorType = null);
public static function CreateEditor(targetObjects: Object[], editorType: Type = null): Editor;
public static Editor CreateEditor(Object[] targetObjects, Type editorType = null);


objects All objects must be of same exact type.


Make a custom editor for targetObject or targetObjects.

By default an appropriate editor is chosen that has a matching CustomEditor attribute. If an editorType is specified, an editor of that type is created instead. Use this if you have created multiple custom editors where each editor shows different properties of the object. Returns NULL if objects are of different types or if no approprate editor was found.

Consider a script WaypointPathEditor for editing the Transforms of a wayPoint array.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

[CustomEditor(typeof(WaypointPath))] public class WaypointPathEditor : Editor { Editor currentTransformEditor; Transform[] waypoints; Transform selectedTransform; string[] optionsList; int index = 0; WaypointPath myWayPath; void GetWaypoints() { myWayPath = target as WaypointPath;

if (myWayPath.wayPointArray != null) { optionsList = new string[myWayPath.wayPointArray.Length];

for (int i = 0; i < optionsList.Length; i++) { optionsList[i] = myWayPath.wayPointArray[i].name; } } } public override void OnInspectorGUI () { GetWaypoints (); DrawDefaultInspector (); EditorGUILayout.Space (); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck (); if (optionsList != null) index = EditorGUILayout.Popup ("Select Waypoint", index, optionsList); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck ()) { Editor tmpEditor = null;

if (index < myWayPath.wayPointArray.Length) { selectedTransform = myWayPath.wayPointArray[index]; //Creates an Editor for selected Component from a Popup tmpEditor = Editor.CreateEditor(selectedTransform); } else { selectedTransform = null; } // If there isn't a Transform currently selected then destroy the existing editor if (currentTransformEditor != null) { DestroyImmediate (currentTransformEditor); } currentTransformEditor = tmpEditor; } //Shows the created Editor beneath CustomEditor if (currentTransformEditor != null && selectedTransform != null) { currentTransformEditor.OnInspectorGUI (); } } }

And the script attached to a waypath GameObject:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// Note: this is not an editor script. public class WaypointPath : MonoBehaviour { public Transform[] wayPointArray; }