与 enumNames 类似,但格式带有空格和大写字母。
Additional resources: enumNames, propertyType, SerializedPropertyType.Enum, enumValueIndex, InspectorNameAttribute.
using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine;
public enum OptionEnum { ValueFirst = 1, ValueSecond = 2, ValueThird = 3,
[InspectorName("Value 4 - Best choice")] ValueForth = 4,
[InspectorName("Value 5 - Avoid")] ValueFifth = 5,
None = 0 }
public class EnumDisplayNameExample : ScriptableObject { public OptionEnum MyEnum = OptionEnum.ValueForth;
[MenuItem("Example/SerializedProperty enumDisplayName Example")] static void MenuCallbackup() { EnumDisplayNameExample obj = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<EnumDisplayNameExample>(); SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(obj); SerializedProperty enumProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("MyEnum");
// Print the members of the enum, sorted by value // Will output: // Names: None,ValueFirst,ValueSecond,ValueThird,ValueForth,ValueFifth Debug.Log("Names: " + string.Join(",", enumProperty.enumNames));
//The display names show the InspectorName string when specified, //otherwise a more human readable version of the enum member name //Will output: //Display names: None,Value First,Value Second,Value Third,Value 4 - Best choice,Value 5 - Avoid Debug.Log("Display names: " + string.Join(",", enumProperty.enumDisplayNames));
//Will output: //Current value: Value 4 - Best choice Debug.Log("Current value: " + enumProperty.enumDisplayNames[enumProperty.enumValueIndex]); } }