Version: 2022.1
public static Sprite Create (Texture2D texture, Rect rect, Vector2 pivot, float pixelsPerUnit, uint extrude);
public static Sprite Create (Texture2D texture, Rect rect, Vector2 pivot, float pixelsPerUnit, uint extrude, SpriteMeshType meshType);
public static Sprite Create (Texture2D texture, Rect rect, Vector2 pivot, float pixelsPerUnit, uint extrude, SpriteMeshType meshType, Vector4 border, bool generateFallbackPhysicsShape);
public static Sprite Create (Texture2D texture, Rect rect, Vector2 pivot, float pixelsPerUnit, uint extrude, SpriteMeshType meshType, Vector4 border);
public static Sprite Create (Texture2D texture, Rect rect, Vector2 pivot);
public static Sprite Create (Texture2D texture, Rect rect, Vector2 pivot, float pixelsPerUnit);


texture 要从其获取精灵图形的纹理。
rect 用于精灵的纹理的矩形部分。
pivot 精灵的轴心点(相对于其图形矩形而言)。
pixelsPerUnit 对应世界空间中一个单位的精灵中的像素数。
extrude 精灵网格应向外扩展的数量。
meshType 控制为精灵生成的网格类型。
border 精灵的边框大小(X=左边框,Y=下边框,Z=右边框,W=上边框)。
generateFallbackPhysicsShape 为精灵生成默认的物理形状。


创建新的 Sprite 对象。

Sprite.Create creates a new Sprite which can be used in game applications. A texture needs to be loaded and assigned to Create in order to control how the new Sprite will look. In the script example below a new Sprite is displayed when the button is pressed. The new sprite is created in Start.

The second argument rect defines the sub-texture used. The rect argument is defined in pixels of the texture. A Rect(50.0f, 10.0f, 200.0f, 140.0f) would create a left to right range from 50.0f to 50.0f + 200.0f = 250.0f. The bottom to top range would be 10.0f to 10.0f + 140.0f = 150.0f. The third argument pivot determines what becomes the center of the Sprite. This is a Vector2 relative to the rect where Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f) is the bottom left and Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f) is the top right. The pixelsPerUnit value controls the size of the sprite. Reducing this below 100 pixels per world increases the size of the sprite. The extrude value defines the number of pixels which surround the Sprite. This is useful if the Sprite is included in an atlas. meshType selects whether FullRect or Tight is used. Finally border determines the slicing of the Sprite and is usually used to define Sprite tiling behaviour. The values are in pixel units.

See Also: SpriteRenderer class.

// Create a Sprite at start-up.
// Assign a texture to the sprite when the button is pressed.

using UnityEngine;

public class spriteCreate : MonoBehaviour { public Texture2D tex; private Sprite mySprite; private SpriteRenderer sr;

void Awake() { sr = gameObject.AddComponent<SpriteRenderer>() as SpriteRenderer; sr.color = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f);

transform.position = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 0.0f); }

void Start() { mySprite = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, tex.width, tex.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 100.0f); }

void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, 100, 30), "Add sprite")) { sr.sprite = mySprite; } } }

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