Asynchronous load functions that load objects (Resources.LoadAsync, AssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync, AssetBundle.LoadAllAssetAsync), scenes (SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync) do data read and deserialization on a separate background loading thread and object integration on a main thread.
Integration depends on an object type and for textures, meshes means uploading data to the GPU, audio clips prepare data for playing.
为了避免帧率不稳,我们根据 backgroundLoadingPriority 值来限制主线程的集成时间:
- ThreadPriority.Low - 2ms
- ThreadPriority.BelowNormal - 4ms
- ThreadPriority.Normal - 10ms
- ThreadPriority.High - 50ms\
后台加载线程直接使用 backgroundLoadingPriority。
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { void Example1() { // Load as much data as possible, as a result frame rate will drop. // Good for fast loading when showing progress bars.
Application.backgroundLoadingPriority = ThreadPriority.High; }
void Example2() { // Load data very slowly and try not to affect performance of the game. // Good for loading in the background while the game is playing.
Application.backgroundLoadingPriority = ThreadPriority.Low; } }
另请参阅:ThreadPriority 枚举、AsyncOperation.priority。