用于修改动画剪辑的 Editor 实用程序函数。
onCurveWasModified | Called when an animation curve, in an animation clip, is modified. |
CalculateTransformPath | Retrieves the path from the root transform to the target transform. |
GetAnimatableBindings | Retrieves the animatable bindings for a specific GameObject. |
GetAnimatedObject | Retrieves the animated object that the binding points to. |
GetAnimationClips | Retrieves an array of animation clips associated with a GameObject or component. |
GetAnimationEvents | Retrieves all animation events associated with an animation clip. |
GetCurveBindings | Retrieves the float curve bindings in an animation clip. |
GetEditorCurve | Retrieves the float curve that the binding points to. |
GetFloatValue | Retrieves the current float value by sampling a curve value on a specific GameObject. |
GetKeyBroken | Retrieves the broken tangent flag for a specfic keyframe. |
GetKeyLeftTangentMode | Retrieves the left tangent mode of the keyframe at a specific index. |
GetKeyRightTangentMode | Retrieves the right tangent mode of the keyframe at a specific index. |
GetObjectReferenceCurve | Retrieves the object reference curve that the binding points to. |
GetObjectReferenceCurveBindings | Retrieves the object reference curve bindings stored in the animation clip. |
SetAdditiveReferencePose | Sets the additive reference pose from referenceClip at time for animation clip clip. |
SetAnimationClips | Sets the array of animation clips to be referenced in the Animation component. |
SetAnimationEvents | 替换动画剪辑中的所有动画事件。 |
SetEditorCurve | Adds, modifies, or removes an editor float curve in an animation clip. |
SetEditorCurves | Adds, modifies, or removes multiple editor float curves in an animation clip. |
SetKeyBroken | 更改指定关键帧的中断切线标志。 |
SetKeyLeftTangentMode | 更改指定关键帧的切线模式。 |
SetKeyRightTangentMode | 更改指定关键帧的切线模式。 |
SetObjectReferenceCurve | Adds, modifies, or removes an object reference curve in an animation clip. |
SetObjectReferenceCurves | Adds, modifies, or removes object references curve in an animation clip. |
OnCurveWasModified | Triggered when an animation curve, in an animation clip, has been modified. |