该键在 macOS 上为 Command,在 Windows 上为 Control。\
Action 键的用法,未按下键/已按下键。
// Shows a password field with some "hidden" text. // When the user presses the action key the password field becomes a text field.
class EditorGUIActionKey extends EditorWindow {
var text : String = "This is some text";
@MenuItem("Examples/Show Hide password") static function Init() { var window = GetWindow(EditorGUIActionKey); window.position = Rect(0, 0, 250, 60); window.Show(); } function OnGUI() { // Show the contents if(EditorGUI.actionKey) { text = EditorGUI.TextField(Rect(0, 5, 245, 20), "Shown Text:", text); } else { // show the pasword field text = EditorGUI.PasswordField(Rect(0, 5, 245, 20), "Hidden Text:", text); } if(GUI.Button(Rect(0,30, 250, 20),"Close")) this.Close(); } function OnInspectorUpdate() { Repaint(); } }