Class OpenXRFeature
A Unity OpenXR Feature. This class can be inherited from to add feature specific data and logic. Feature-specific settings are serialized for access at runtime.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.Features
Assembly: solution.dll
public abstract class OpenXRFeature : ScriptableObject
Name | Description |
enabled | Feature is enabled and will be started when the OpenXR loader is initialized. Note that the enabled state of a feature cannot be modified once OpenXR is initialized and can be used at runtime to determine if a feature successfully initialized. |
xrGetInstanceProcAddr | Accessor for xrGetInstanceProcAddr function pointer. |
Name | Description |
Awake() | |
CreateSubsystem<TDescriptor, TSubsystem>(List<TDescriptor>, string) | Creates a subsystem based on a given a list of descriptors and a specific subsystem id. Promoted to public for extensions. |
DestroySubsystem<T>() | Destroys a subsystem instance of a given type. Subsystem is assumed to already be loaded from a previous call to CreateSubsystem. Promoted to public for extensions. |
GetAction(InputAction) | Returns XrAction handle bound to the given InputAction. |
GetCurrentAppSpace() | Returns the current app space. |
GetCurrentInteractionProfile(string) | Returns the path of the current interaction profile for the given user path. |
GetCurrentInteractionProfile(ulong) | Returns the path of the current interaction profile for the given user path. |
GetEnvironmentBlendMode() | Returns the current XR Environment Blend Mode. |
GetViewConfigurationTypeForRenderPass(int) | Returns viewConfigurationType for the given renderPass index. |
HookGetInstanceProcAddr(IntPtr) | Called to hook xrGetInstanceProcAddr. Returning a different function pointer allows intercepting any OpenXR method. |
OnAppSpaceChange(ulong) | Called when the reference xrSpace for the app changes. |
OnDisable() | |
OnEnable() | |
OnEnabledChange() | Called when the enabled state of a feature changes |
OnEnvironmentBlendModeChange(XrEnvironmentBlendMode) | Notification to the feature implementer that the environment blend mode has changed. |
OnFormFactorChange(int) | Notification to the feature implementer that the form factor has changed. |
OnInstanceCreate(ulong) | Called after xrCreateInstance. |
OnInstanceDestroy(ulong) | Called before xrDestroyInstance |
OnInstanceLossPending(ulong) | Called when the OpenXR loader receives the XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_INSTANCE_LOSS_PENDING event from the runtime. This is a notification to the feature implementer that the instance is about to be lost. This feature should do what it needs to do to clean up in preparation for termination. |
OnSessionBegin(ulong) | Called after xrSessionBegin. |
OnSessionCreate(ulong) | Called after xrCreateSession. |
OnSessionDestroy(ulong) | Called before xrDestroySession. |
OnSessionEnd(ulong) | Called before xrEndSession. |
OnSessionExiting(ulong) | Called when the runtime transitions to the XR_SESSION_STATE_EXITING state. |
OnSessionLossPending(ulong) | Called when the runtime transitions to the XR_SESSION_STATE_LOSS_PENDING state. This is a notification to the feature implementer that the session is about to be lost. This feature should do what it needs to do to prepare for potential session recreation. |
OnSessionStateChange(int, int) | Called when the OpenXR loader receives the XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_SESSION_STATE_CHANGED event from the runtime signaling that the XrSessionState has changed. |
OnSubsystemCreate() | Called after the OpenXR Loader is initialized and has created its subsystems. |
OnSubsystemDestroy() | Called before the OpenXR loader destroys its subsystems. |
OnSubsystemStart() | Called after the OpenXR loader has started its subsystems. |
OnSubsystemStop() | Called before the OpenXR loader stops its subsystems. |
OnSystemChange(ulong) | Called after xrGetSystem. |
OnViewConfigurationTypeChange(int) | Notification to the feature implementer that the view configuration type has changed. |
PathToString(ulong) | Converts an XrPath to a string. |
SetEnvironmentBlendMode(XrEnvironmentBlendMode) | Set the current XR Environment Blend Mode if it is supported by the active runtime. If not supported, fall back to the runtime preference. |
StartSubsystem<T>() | Start a subsystem instance of a given type. Subsystem is assumed to already be loaded from a previous call to CreateSubsystem. Promoted to public for extensions. |
StopSubsystem<T>() | Stops a subsystem instance of a given type. Subsystem is assumed to already be loaded from a previous call to CreateSubsystem. Promoted to public for extensions. |
StringToPath(string) | Converts a string to an XrPath. |