Class XRInputButtonReader
Serializable typed input button reader that can read the current button's state from an input source. Behaviors can declare a field of this type to allow them to read input from an input action or any other source.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Inputs.Readers
Assembly: Unity.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.dll
public class XRInputButtonReader : IXRInputButtonReader, IXRInputValueReader<float>, IXRInputValueReader
Initializes and returns an instance of XRInputButtonReader.
public XRInputButtonReader()
XRInputButtonReader(string, string, bool, InputSourceMode)
Initializes and returns an instance of XRInputButtonReader.
public XRInputButtonReader(string name = null, string valueName = null, bool wantsInitialStateCheck = false, XRInputButtonReader.InputSourceMode inputSourceMode = InputSourceMode.InputActionReference)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the directly serialized embedded input action for performed. |
string | valueName | The name of the directly serialized embedded input action for the scalar value. Based off of |
bool | wantsInitialStateCheck | Whether the action should start performing if already actuated when the action is enabled. |
XRInputButtonReader.InputSourceMode | inputSourceMode | The initial input source mode. |
A runtime bypass that can be used to override the button input state returned by this class.
public IXRInputButtonReader bypass { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
IXRInputButtonReader |
The directly serialized embedded input action that is read to determine whether the button is down when the mode is set to InputAction.
public InputAction inputActionPerformed { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputAction |
Must have a button-like interaction where phase equals performed when down. This is the case with an input action whose Action Type is Button or whose Action Type is Value with an interaction like Press or Sector.
The reference to an input action that is read to determine whether the button is down when the mode is set to InputActionReference.
public InputActionReference inputActionReferencePerformed { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputActionReference |
Must have a button-like interaction where phase equals performed when down. This is the case with an input action whose Action Type is Button or whose Action Type is Value with an interaction like Press or Sector.
The reference to an input action that is read to determine the scalar value that varies from 0 to 1 when the mode is set to InputActionReference.
public InputActionReference inputActionReferenceValue { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputActionReference |
The directly serialized embedded input action that is read to determine the scalar value that varies from 0 to 1 when the mode is set to InputAction.
public InputAction inputActionValue { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputAction |
The mode that determines from which input source the button's state is read from. By default this is set to InputActionReference to read from an input action defined in the project.
public XRInputButtonReader.InputSourceMode inputSourceMode { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
XRInputButtonReader.InputSourceMode |
See Also
The frame that the manual performed state was set to false when the mode is set to ManualValue.
public int manualFrameCompleted { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
See Also
The frame that the manual performed state was set to true when the mode is set to ManualValue.
public int manualFramePerformed { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
See Also
The manually set performed state that is returned when the mode is set to ManualValue.
public bool manualPerformed { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
See Also
The manually set scalar value that varies from 0 to 1 that is returned when the mode is set to ManualValue.
public float manualValue { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
float |
Disable the directly serialized embedded input action if the mode is set to InputAction.
public void DisableDirectActionIfModeUsed()
See Also
Enable the directly serialized embedded input action if the mode is set to InputAction.
public void EnableDirectActionIfModeUsed()
See Also
Gets the object reference that is used as the input source when the mode is set to ObjectReference.
public IXRInputButtonReader GetObjectReference()
Type | Description |
IXRInputButtonReader | Returns the object reference, which may be null. |
QueueManualState(bool, float)
Queue a manual state to be effective on the next frame. This method automatically determines whether the button should be considered as newly performed that frame based on the current state.
public void QueueManualState(bool performed, float value)
Type | Name | Description |
bool | performed | The manual button performed state that should be returned next frame. |
float | value | The manual scalar value that varies from 0 to 1 that should be returned next frame. |
QueueManualState(bool, float, bool, bool)
Queue a manual state to be effective on the next frame.
public void QueueManualState(bool performed, float value, bool performedThisFrame, bool completedThisFrame)
Type | Name | Description |
bool | performed | The manual button performed state that should be returned next frame. |
float | value | The manual scalar value that varies from 0 to 1 that should be returned next frame. |
bool | performedThisFrame | Whether the manual button should be considered as performed that frame on the next frame. |
bool | completedThisFrame | Whether the manual button should be considered as completed that frame on the next frame. |
Read whether the button is currently performed, which typically means whether the button is being pressed. This is typically true for multiple frames.
public bool ReadIsPerformed()
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if the button is performed. Otherwise, returns false. |
For input actions, this depends directly on the interaction(s) driving the action (including the default interaction if no specific interaction has been added to the action or binding).
Read the current value from the input source.
public float ReadValue()
Type | Description |
float | Returns the current value from the input source. May return |
Read whether the button completed this frame, which typically means whether the button stopped being pressed during this frame. This is typically only true for one single frame.
public bool ReadWasCompletedThisFrame()
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if the button completed this frame. Otherwise, returns false. |
For input actions, this depends directly on the interaction(s) driving the action (including the default interaction if no specific interaction has been added to the action or binding).
Read whether the button performed this frame, which typically means whether the button started being pressed during this frame. This is typically only true for one single frame.
public bool ReadWasPerformedThisFrame()
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if the button performed this frame. Otherwise, returns false. |
For input actions, this depends directly on the interaction(s) driving the action (including the default interaction if no specific interaction has been added to the action or binding).
Sets the object reference that is used as the input source when the mode is set to ObjectReference.
public void SetObjectReference(IXRInputButtonReader value)
Type | Name | Description |
IXRInputButtonReader | value | The object reference. |
If the argument is to be serialized, it must be a Unity Object type.
TryReadValue(out float)
Try to read the current value from the input source.
public bool TryReadValue(out float value)
Type | Name | Description |
float | value | When this method returns, contains the current value from the input source. May return |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if the current value was able to be read (and for actions, also if in progress). |
You can use the return value of this method instead of only using ReadValue() in order to avoid doing
any work when the input action is not in progress, such as when the control is not actuated.
This can be useful for performance reasons.
If an input processor on an input action returns a different value from the default float
when the input action is not in progress, the outvalue
returned by
this method may not be default(TValue)
as is typically the case for Try
- methods. If you need
to support processors that return a different value from the default when the control is not actuated,
you should use ReadValue() instead of using the return value of this method to skip input handling.