Enum MetaHandTrackingAim.AimFlags
(Deprecated) Use MetaAimFlags instead.
Namespace: UnityEngine.XR.Hands.OpenXR
Assembly: Unity.XR.Hands.dll
[Obsolete("Use UnityEngine.XR.Hands.MetaAimFlags instead.")]
public enum MetaHandTrackingAim.AimFlags : ulong
Name | Description |
Computed | Data for this hand has been computed. |
DominantHand | Indicates whether the hand these flags were retrieved from is the dominant hand. |
IndexPinching | Indicates whether the index finger is pinching with the thumb.
Only valid when the pinch strength retrieved from
pinchStrengthIndex is
at a full strength of |
LittlePinching | Indicates whether the little finger is pinching with the thumb.
Only valid when the pinch strength retrieved from
pinchStrengthLittle is
at a full strength of |
MenuPressed | Indicates whether the menu gesture button is pressed. |
MiddlePinching | Indicates whether the middle finger is pinching with the thumb.
Only valid when the pinch strength retrieved from
pinchStrengthMiddle is
at a full strength of |
None | No flags are valid. |
RingPinching | Indicates whether the ring finger is pinching with the thumb.
Only valid when the pinch strength retrieved from
pinchStrengthRing is
at a full strength of |
SystemGesture | Indicates whether a system gesture is being performed (when the palm of the hand is facing the headset). |
Valid | The aim pose is valid. Retrieve this data from UnityEngine.InputSystem.TrackedDevice.devicePosition and UnityEngine.InputSystem.TrackedDevice.deviceRotation that MetaHandTrackingAim.MetaAimHand inherits. |