Struct BoundedPlane
The session-relative data associated with a plane.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems
Assembly: solution.dll
public struct BoundedPlane : ITrackable, IEquatable<BoundedPlane>
Name | Description |
BoundedPlane(TrackableId, TrackableId, Pose, Vector2, Vector2, PlaneAlignment, TrackingState, IntPtr, PlaneClassification) | Constructs a new BoundedPlane. This is just a data container for a plane's session relative data. These are typically created by GetChanges(Allocator). |
Name | Description |
alignment | The PlaneAlignment of the plane. |
center | The center of the plane in plane space (relative to its pose). |
classification | The PlaneClassification of the plane. |
defaultValue | Gets a default-initialized BoundedPlane. This can be
different from the zero-initialized version, e.g., the pose
is |
extents | The extents of the plane (half dimensions) in meters. |
height | The height (or depth) of the plane in meters. |
nativePtr | A native pointer associated with this plane. The data pointer to by this pointer is implementation defined. |
normal | The normal of the plane in session space. |
plane | Gets an infinite plane in session space. |
pose | The |
size | The size (dimensions) of the plane in meters. |
subsumedById | The TrackableId associated with the plane which subsumed this one. Will be invalidId if this plane has not been subsumed. |
trackableId | The TrackableId associated with this plane. |
trackingState | The TrackingState of the plane. |
width | The width of the plane in meters. |
Name | Description |
Equals(object) | Tests for equality. |
Equals(BoundedPlane) | Tests for equality. |
GetCorners(out Vector3, out Vector3, out Vector3, out Vector3) | Get the four corners of the plane in session space, in clockwise order. |
GetHashCode() | Generates a hash suitable for use with containers like |
ToString() | Generates a new string that describes the plane's properties, suitable for debugging purposes. |
Name | Description |
operator ==(BoundedPlane, BoundedPlane) | Tests for equality. Same as Equals(BoundedPlane). |
operator !=(BoundedPlane, BoundedPlane) | Tests for inequality. Same as |