Constructor BoundedPlane
BoundedPlane(TrackableId, TrackableId, Pose, Vector2, Vector2, PlaneAlignment, TrackingState, IntPtr, PlaneClassification)
Constructs a new BoundedPlane. This is just a data container for a plane's session relative data. These are typically created by GetChanges(Allocator).
public BoundedPlane(TrackableId trackableId, TrackableId subsumedBy, Pose pose, Vector2 center, Vector2 size, PlaneAlignment alignment, TrackingState trackingState, IntPtr nativePtr, PlaneClassification classification)
Type | Name | Description |
TrackableId | trackableId | The TrackableId associated with the plane. |
TrackableId | subsumedBy | The plane which subsumed this one. Use invalidId if it has not been subsumed. |
Pose | pose | The |
Vector2 | center | The center of the plane, in plane space (relative to |
Vector2 | size | The dimensions associated with the plane. |
PlaneAlignment | alignment | The PlaneAlignment associated with the plane. |
TrackingState | trackingState | The TrackingState associated with the plane. |
IntPtr | nativePtr | The native pointer associated with the plane. |
PlaneClassification | classification | The PlaneClassification associated with the plane. |