Class UniversalRenderPipelineAsset
The asset that contains the URP setting. You can use this asset as a graphics quality level.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine .Rendering.Universal
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.Universal.Runtime.dll
[ApplyRulesIfTagsEqual(new string[] { "RenderPipeline", "UniversalPipeline" })]
public class UniversalRenderPipelineAsset : RenderPipelineAsset<UniversalRenderPipeline>, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
Name | Description |
Additional |
The default high tier resolution for additional lights shadow texture. |
Additional |
The default low tier resolution for additional lights shadow texture. |
Additional |
The default medium tier resolution for additional lights shadow texture. |
editor |
k_Max |
The maximum color grading LUT (lookup table) size. |
k_Min |
The minimum color grading LUT (lookup table) size. |
package |
Name | Description |
additional |
Specifies the |
additional |
Returns the additional light shadow resolution defined for tier "High" in the UniversalRenderPipeline asset. |
additional |
Returns the additional light shadow resolution defined for tier "Low" in the UniversalRenderPipeline asset. |
additional |
Returns the additional light shadow resolution defined for tier "Medium" in the UniversalRenderPipeline asset. |
additional |
Additional light shadows are rendered into a single shadow map atlas texture. This setting controls the resolution of the shadow map atlas texture. |
autodesk |
Returns the Autodesk Interactive mask shader that this asset uses. |
autodesk |
Returns the Autodesk Interactive shader that this asset uses. |
autodesk |
Returns the Autodesk Interactive transparent shader that this asset uses. |
cascade2Split | Returns the split value. |
cascade3Split | Returns the split values. |
cascade4Split | Returns the split values. |
cascade |
Last cascade fade distance in percentage. |
color |
Specifies the color grading LUT (lookup table) size in the URP Asset. |
color |
Returns the selected ColorGradingMode in the URP Asset.
Color |
conservative |
Set to true to enable a conservative method for calculating the size and position of the minimal enclosing sphere around the frustum cascade corner points for shadow culling. |
decal |
Returns the Material that Unity uses to render decals. |
default2DMask |
Returns the default sprite mask material for the 2D renderer. |
default2DMaterial | Returns the default material for the 2D renderer. |
default |
Returns the default line Material. |
default |
Returns the default Material. |
default |
Returns the default particle Material. |
default |
Returns the default shader for the specified renderer. When creating new objects in the editor, the materials of those objects will use the selected default shader. |
default |
Returns the default SpeedTree7 shader that this asset uses. |
default |
Returns the default SpeedTree8 shader that this asset uses. |
default |
Returns the default terrain Material. |
default |
Returns the default UIETC1 supported Material for this asset. |
default |
Returns the default UI Material. |
default |
Returns the default UI overdraw Material. |
enable |
Returns true if the cross-fade style blending between the current LOD and the next LOD is enabled. |
enable |
Controls whether the RenderGraph render path is enabled. |
fsr |
If this property is set to true, the value from the fsrSharpness property will control the intensity of the sharpening filter associated with FidelityFX Super Resolution. |
fsr |
Controls the intensity of the sharpening filter associated with FidelityFX Super Resolution. A value of 1.0 produces maximum sharpness while a value of 0.0 disables the sharpening filter entirely. Note: This value only has an effect when the fsrOverrideSharpness property is set to true. |
hdr |
Graphics format requested for HDR color buffers. |
light |
Determines what system to use. |
lod |
Returns the type of active LOD cross-fade. |
main |
Specifies the |
main |
Returns the main light shadowmap resolution used for this |
max |
Specifies the maximum amount of per-object additional lights which can be used by this |
msaa |
Specifies the msaa sample count used by this |
num |
Set the number of iterations to reduce the cascade culling enlcosing sphere to be closer to the absolute minimun enclosing sphere, but will also require more CPU computation for increasing values. This parameter is used only when conservativeEnclosingSphere is set to true. Default value is 64. |
opaque |
Returns the downsampling method used when copying the camera color texture after rendering opaques. |
prefixed |
Names used for display of rendering layer masks with prefix. |
probe |
Probe Volume Memory Budget. |
probe |
Probe Volumes SH Bands. |
reflection |
Specifies if this |
reflection |
Specifies if this |
render |
render |
Specifies the render scale which scales the render target resolution used by this |
rendering |
Names used for display of rendering layer masks. |
scriptable |
Returns the default renderer being used by this pipeline. |
sh |
Defines the type of Spherical Harmonic (SH) evaluation in lighting. |
shadow |
Returns the number of shadow cascades. |
shadow |
The Shadow Depth Bias, controls the offset of the lit pixels. |
shadow |
Controls the maximum distance at which shadows are visible. |
shadow |
Controls the distance at which the shadow casting surfaces are shrunk along the surface normal. |
store |
Returns the active store action optimization value. |
support |
Returns true if Data Driven Lens Flare are supported by this asset, false otherwise. |
support |
Support Streaming for Probe Volumes. |
support |
Returns true if Screen Space Lens Flare are supported by this asset, false otherwise. |
supports |
Specifies if objects lit by additional lights cast shadows. |
supports |
When true, the pipeline creates a depth texture that can be read in shaders. The depth texture can be accessed as _CameraDepthTexture. This setting can be overridden per camera. |
supports |
When true, the pipeline creates a texture that contains a copy of the color buffer after rendering opaque objects. This texture can be accessed in shaders as _CameraOpaqueTexture. This setting can be overridden per camera. |
supports |
Specifies if this |
supports |
When enabled, the camera renders to HDR buffers. This setting can be overridden per camera. |
supports |
Returns true if the Render Pipeline Asset supports light cookies, false otherwise. |
supports |
Specifies if objects lit by main light cast shadows. |
supports |
Returns true if the Render Pipeline Asset supports mixed lighting, false otherwise. |
supports |
Supports Soft Shadows controls the Soft Shadows. |
supports |
This settings controls if the asset |
terrain |
Returns the terrain detail grass billboard shader that this asset uses. |
terrain |
Returns the terrain detail grass shader that this asset uses. |
terrain |
Returns the terrain detail lit shader that this asset uses. |
textures | Returns asset texture resources |
upscaling |
Returns the upscaling filter desired by the user Note: Filter selections differ from actual filters in that they may include "meta-filters" such as "Automatic" which resolve to an actual filter at a later time. |
use |
Set to true to allow Adaptive performance to modify graphics quality settings during runtime. Only applicable when Adaptive performance package is available. |
use |
Returns true if fast approximation functions are used when converting between the sRGB and Linear color spaces, false otherwise. |
use |
Returns true if the Render Pipeline Asset supports rendering layers for lights, false otherwise. |
use |
Specifies if SRPBacher is used by this |
volume |
Returns the selected update mode for volumes. |
Name | Description |
Create(Scriptable |
Create |
Creates a |
Ensure |
Ensures Global Settings are ready and registered into GraphicsSettings |
Get |
Returns a renderer from the current pipeline asset |
Load |
Use this class to initialize the rendererData element that is required by the renderer. |
On |
Unity raises a callback to this method after it deserializes the asset. |
On |
Unity raises a callback to this method before it serializes the asset. |
On |
Unity calls this function when the asset is disabled. |
On |
Unity calls this function when it loads the asset or when the asset is changed with the Inspector. |