Class UniversalAdditionalCameraData
Class containing various additional camera data used by URP.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.Universal.Runtime.dll
public class UniversalAdditionalCameraData : MonoBehaviour, ISerializationCallbackReceiver, IAdditionalData
Name | Description |
allowHDROutput | Returns true if this camera allows outputting to HDR displays. |
allowXRRendering | Returns true if this camera allows render in XR. |
antialiasing | Returns the current anti-aliasing mode used by this camera. AntialiasingMode. |
antialiasingQuality | Returns the current anti-aliasing quality used by this camera. antialiasingQuality. |
cameraStack | Returns the camera stack. Only valid for Base cameras. Will return null if it is not a Base camera. CameraRenderType. |
clearDepth | If true, this camera will clear depth value before rendering. Only valid for Overlay cameras. |
dithering | Returns true if this camera applies 8-bit dithering to the final render to reduce color banding |
renderPostProcessing | Returns true if this camera should render post-processing. |
renderShadows | Controls if this camera should render shadows. |
renderType | Returns the camera renderType. CameraRenderType. |
requiresColorOption | Controls if a camera should copy the color contents of a camera after rendering opaques. The color texture is available to be bound in shaders as _CameraOpaqueTexture. |
requiresColorTexture | Returns true if this camera requires to color information in a texture. If enabled, color texture is available to be bound and read from shaders as _CameraOpaqueTexture after rendering skybox. |
requiresDepthOption | Controls if a camera should render depth. The depth is available to be bound in shaders as _CameraDepthTexture. CameraOverrideOption |
requiresDepthTexture | Returns true if this camera needs to render depth information in a texture. If enabled, depth texture is available to be bound and read from shaders as _CameraDepthTexture after rendering skybox. |
requiresVolumeFrameworkUpdate | Returns true if this camera requires the volume framework to be updated every frame. |
resetHistory | Reset post-process history. |
screenCoordScaleBias | Transform applied to screen coordinates when Screen Coordinates Override is active. |
screenSizeOverride | Screen size used when Screen Coordinates Override is active. |
scriptableRenderer | Returns the ScriptableRenderer that is used to render this camera. |
stopNaN | Returns true if this camera should automatically replace NaN/Inf in shaders by a black pixel to avoid breaking some effects. |
useScreenCoordOverride | Returns true if the camera uses Screen Coordinates Override. |
version | The serialized version of the class. Used for upgrading. |
volumeLayerMask | Returns the selected scene-layers affecting this camera. |
volumeStack | Returns the current volume stack used by this camera. |
volumeTrigger | Returns the Transform that acts as a trigger for Volume blending. |
Name | Description |
OnAfterDeserialize() | |
OnBeforeSerialize() | |
OnDestroy() | |
OnDrawGizmos() | |
OnValidate() | |
SetRenderer(int) | Use this to set this Camera's current ScriptableRenderer to one listed on the Render Pipeline Asset. Takes an index that maps to the list on the Render Pipeline Asset. |